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Kenny reaches his new home and Armando makes dinner for them. They bug and kiss and eat together. They then spent the night together.

Brittany has a breakdown in the car. She is upset about her trip with his parents and starts crying. Yazan tries to comfort her. She regrets being there.

He takes her to the apartment and has roses everywhere. She tells him that they need to figure out how to deal with his parents. He suggested talking to his uncle.

Jenny meets up with Sumit's lawyer and he goes over the divorce procedures. It mostly reassures Jenny but if Sumit's parents have a reason to deny the marriage they can stop it.

Sumit takes Jenny to see his friends and their wives but the wives don't show up because they disapprove.

Jihoon tells his mother about Deavan's plans and she doesn't get it. He starts crying and she tells him that men don't do that. He took a loan from his parents and he's disappointed in himself and his life.

Melyza shares her version of her romance with Tim and talks about how hurtful it was when he cheated. Her mother knows about it and isnt happy about Tim's arrival.

Kenny has a hard time adjusting to Mexico and doesn't speak Spanish. Armando is super patient with him.

90 Day Fiance: The Other Way
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