Nothing Is Easy - Absentia
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Emily dreams about being shot point-blank in the chest by a Special Agent in Charge Julianne Gunnarsen, the woman who killed Alice. Then she dreams her house blows up.

Emily is now living with Nick and Flynn, although she and Nick are just co-parenting and not a couple.

Emily is concerned about Flynn’s new swim coach, Mr. Rizzo. When she sees lots of military photos on his social media page, she decides to break into his apartment and finds a handgun. Rizzo comes home, but while he’s having what sounds like an innocent conversation on the phone with his mom, Emily sneaks out.

Nick has a new case. There have been three young men killed, and their bodies dumped with some of their organs are missing.

Julianne Gunnarsen was cleared of Alic’s shooting, and now she’s Nick’s boss. She’s concerned because Nick has stopped going to his mandated counseling sessions. He says he’s ready to put it all behind him.

Emily invites Jack, her brother, over to a family dinner. When he begins to break down after stumbling upon Alice’s clothes in a closet, Emily realizes that Jack had an affair with Alice, and she is furious. She warns him that he needs to make sure that Flynn never finds out.

After everyone goes home after dinner, Nick’s source, a young woman, comes to the house and tells him that something is going down tonight concerning his case. She gives him an address and tells him that after this, she’ll need protection. It’s going down too fast for Nick to call in a team from the FBI, so he takes Emily with him.

They head to a warehouse where they find a room full of empty mattresses on the floor and more bodies wrapped in plastic. They find a makeshift operating room being used in the back. As Nick fights with a guard, Emily chases after a surgeon carrying a cooler. When he drives off in a van, Emily grabs him through the driver’s side window and causes him to crash, but the driver runs off, leaving behind human organs in bags.

Nick’s multiple homicides are part of an organ-harvesting ring. Julianne isn’t happy that Emily was working with Nick as Emily is still on suspension.

Julianne tells Nick that she’s spotted Emily outside her place watching her twice. It seems Emily is still suspicious of Julianne.

Nick’s source tells him they messed up, and she’s going on the run. She gets spooked and runs. When Nick gets home, he is attacked and beaten by three men while he’s on the phone with Emily. Emily calls Cal to meet her at the house. When Emily arrives home, the house is trashed, Nick is gone, and one remaining man stabs Emily.

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Absentia Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Flynn: You never talk about her. You do miss her, right?
Nick: I miss all of the good times before everything happened.

Hangovers last way longer when you’re over 30.
