Taking Extreme Measures - Accused
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A mother and her daughter try to find their lawyer in the halls of a courthouse.

Jessie falls while running, and on visiting a doctor, he reveals that she has a genetic condition that would not allow her to pursue her athletic ambitions.

She quizzes her mother about her father, and her mother says that he is an anonymous sperm donor.

A family makes small talk as they wait for an elevator. Jessie and her mom find the family holding the door for them, and it is revealed that Jessie and Will are friends.

Jessie continues searching for her dad, and her mom walks in on her, taking a DNA test. She talks to Will about it and decides to throw the test away.

Jessie's mom shows her a film about her sperm donor, revealing that he passed away. Jessie is furious.

Kara is against Jessie and Will spending time together alone and goes to Will's parents with the concerns.

Jessie and Will call a fertility clinic under a false identity to find more information. She and Will continue digging.

Jessie's mom flips out when they find her and Will in a dark room together.

Jessie and Will break into the clinic and go through medical records. They come up with nothing, which angers Jessie. They trip a silent alarm, and Jessie is arrested while Will escapes.

Jessie's mom comes clean about the file and says she lied.

Jessie's mom talks with Will's dad and reveals that a one-time affair they had produced Jessie, and she kept the secret from him.

Will's dad represents Jessie in court.

Will reveals that he sent in Jessie's DNA test, which showed they are siblings.

All the kids confront their respective parents about the lie. Will's mom moves out.

In court, they tell the truth, and Jessie gets away with community service.

Jessie and Will's mom talk, and they patch things up.

The new family spends time together and plays a game.

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Accused Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

I just wish I knew the other half of me.


Kara: Will is to have no more contact with Jessie.
Fern: Have any of you seen Romeo and Juliet?
Kara: I'm serious. No more contact!