Meet the Team - AWAY Season 1 Episode 1
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Commander Emma Green meets with her psychiatrist via video chat to discuss what happened on the way to the Moon.

Two weeks earlier, Emma and her husband, Matt, cheer for their daughter, Lex, during her soccer game. 

After the game, the three of them head to an international press conference for Emma's mission to Mars. Emma and her team, Misha, Kwesi, Ram, and Lu, answer the audience's questions.

Later that evening, Emma packs sentimental items to take with her, then she sits down with her family to eat dinner.

After dinner, Emma gives Lex a present. Emma goes downstairs, where Matt plays the piano. She sits with him, and they talk about the mission's risks.

The following scene alternates between Emma and Matt having sex and Emma putting on her astronaut gear in preparation for the trip to the Moon.

Emma stands on the Moon, reflecting over the mishap that occurred while traveling to the Moon.

Back on Earth, Darlene and Matt discuss what happened. Then, Darlene communicates with Emma through Mei.

Misha, Ram, Lu, and Jack discuss the seriousness of the mishap. Kwesi is sick because he has a hard time adjusting to space.

Emma tells her crew that Mission Control wants to debrief with them, so everyone can say what happened from their perspective.

Ram debriefs with Darlene, while Emma video chats with Lex and Emma's crew support, Melissa. After the video chat ends, Emma runs into Kwesi, who tells her that he told Mission Control Emma saved his life.

Misha and Lu have their debriefs separately. On earth, Darlene and George argue about potentially replacing Emma when Matt walks in. He voices his opinion.

In the present, Emma speaks with her psychiatrist again. While Matt cooks dinner, he collapses unexpectedly.

The crew gets ready to patch the leak in space. Misha asks Jack to help them. Emma receives a video call from Melissa, who tells Emma that Matt had a stroke. 

Emma calls a medical specialist to assign him to Matt's case; then, she talks to Lex. Lex puts the phone near Matt so that Emma can speak to him.

Meanwhile, Misha suggests that they ask Ground for Jack to be their commander. Lu agrees with him, while Ram and Kwesi disagree.

Emma walks in on the conversation, and she orders the crew to fix the system while she debriefs with Ground.

Darlene and Emma argue about whether Emma should abandon the mission or not.

During a flashback, Matt tells Emma he cannot go to Mars because he has CCM.

Darlene tells George about Matt, and Matt suggests Emma's psychiatrist evaluate her.

In Emma's meeting with her psychiatrist, she tells him about the incident, prompting a flashback.

The doctors finish Matt's surgery, so nurses roll him back where Lex and Melissa are waiting. Lex calls Emma, who tells her family and Melissa that she's coming home instead of going to Mars.

Matt insists for Emma to go to Mars, and Lex agrees.

The crew goes to prep for the launch, where they find Emma getting ready. Misha and Lu still do not trust Emma.

Emma gives the world a short speech before launching.

The episode ends when the team officially launches from the Moon in the direction of Mars.

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AWAY Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Yeah, but you gotta be the one that wants to take the shot!


Reporter: Why should we care more about Mars than we do our own planet?
Emma: We shouldn't. Of course, we should care about social imperatives. But in the US alone, we spend a trillion dollars each year on the military, and mostly in case the countries represented here decide to blow each other off the face of the Earth. This mission, it costs a fraction of that, as we work together, repurposing those same tools of destruction for discovery.
Kwesi: At this very moment, there's a team of astronauts on the Moon, mining polar ice caps for fuel and water.
Misha: Water that will be pumped into the hull of our ship to shield us from radiation, allowing us to travel safely from the Moon to Mars.
Emma: Reaching Mars... might prove to be the greatest achievement. Not only for science, but for the future of our planet.