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Sutton Farm. Elijah visits a friend named Emma who's about to lose her farm.

Sydney goes to a golf club to talk to a judge to get a restraining order. She then shows up at the auction and it's cancelled.

Sydney tells her the plan. Sydney leaves while Elijah stays behind.

Anthony and Jake are having lunch and talking about Sydney and their other case regarding George. Then they argue about barbecue sauce.

A waiter wants their help to sue his brother for stealing his secret barbecue recipe.

Sydney gets home and Briana is there. She wants to talk about Emerson. 

Sydney is giving her opening statement against Terrennial about the seed. Court agrees with the lower court to pay the judgment.

The team is back at the office talking about strategy.

Sydney is playing devil's advocate in a way to let her dad know she's upset about Emerson. Della calls a time out and then she and Elijah talk about Emerson and other things.

Sydney and Jake talk outside about his case.

Robbie shows up with information that Terennial might be watching the firm. Elijah asked Robbie to look into it. Then they talk about Emerson.

Elijah gets a call that someone's stalking Emma and she's going to be arrested because she fought back. But she's released.

Jake is visiting George to talk about the case and try to get a new trial.

A judge affirms that Emma can pursue her lawsuit against Terrennial.

Jake and Anthony are trying to resolve the dispute from the two barbecue brothers. They take the case before the judge.

Sydney and Elijah talk about Emerson again and her mother and how she found out.

Briana has information about the people stalking Emma.

Emma is on the stand. Terennial is going to file suit against the guy who was stalking Emma. A new strategy.

Elijah questions the CEO of Terennial.

Jake tells George the DNA test show he's completely innocent.

Terrenial is under RICO investigation.








Bluff City Law
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Bluff City Law Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jake: What's in the sauce?
Anthony: It's cumin.
Jake: No, It's cinnamon.
Anthony: You're Yankee upbringing is showing. Cinnamon is never found in better barbecue sauces. It's never found in any barbecue sauce.

She hasn't changed at all, has she?
