Discovering New Information - Chance
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Frank convinces his boss to let him prosecute the Winter case.

Chance visits Winter in jail and reveals his lies. Winter is relieved after confessing.

Carl encourages D to find Lorena and get to know her better.

Nicole arrives at the Clearview nature therapy program.

Clayton calls a staff meeting where she distributes the suspect photo of D. Chance panics. D doesn't care.

Frank meets with Clayton about Winter. She asks him to look into the assaults.

Frank meets with Winter and his lawyer and finds out they are planning an insanity plea.

Christina reveals where Nicole is to Chance and he is livid that he was not consulted about it.

Chance meets with Frank and discovers that he is Winter's accomplice. He steals a fork to compare the DNA to the Stevie file.

Carl claims Hyne's body and makes friends with Sid Valerio.

The private investigator that D's dad hired shows up at the workshop and gives D an envelope from his father.

Nicole faces off with a counselor about her assault on Pepper.

A security guard at the jail kills Winter and poses him as if he committed suicide.

D meets with Lorena where she reveals she is going into hiding from her baby daddy's gang. D wants to go after Hector, she warns him not to.

Clayton discovers that Chance and D are behind the assaults. She confronts Chance and fires him.

D goes into gang territory to defend Lorena and gets tazed and beaten.

Nicole apologizes to her counselor before making a run for it.

Frank finds out about Chance and D's assaults and Chance gets picked up by the police.


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Chance Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I just wanted to believe that someone wanted to save me, that you wanted to, more than I wanted to know you were lying. And I was right to do that, because you... you did save me. You hurt me to save me, and now here we are.

Winter [to Chance]

I just want you to know, Mr. Winter, that you're going to have to prove that at the time you committed all those murders, that you were laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act. Basically that you didn't understand your actions any more than would an infant, a brute, or a wild beast.

Frank [to Winter]