Defibrillator Malfunction - Chicago Fire
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We missed the bachelorette party! Vi, Stella, and Sylvie are hung over, although Sylvie hydrated.

Stella send Severide some sexy photos. He's due home in two days.

Mouch is weightlifting.

Sylvie and Tony have a walkthrough at the aquarium tonight. The price was incredible, and Vi and Sylvie wonder if he holds a massive amount of power.

Herrmann discusses the importance of local TV with Ritter when Capp comes up to sit far too close to him on the couch.

When the crew gets a call, they find a basketball player down on a gymnasium floor. They charge the defibrillator, and it doesn't work. As they work, they hope that the school has its own defibrillator on hand and someone runs off to get it.

Gibson sees a kid named Marcus freaking out and asks his friend if he saw what happened with Jared, the kid down.

The school's defibrillator works, and the kid's pulse returns.

Capp and Tony are enjoying themselves when Cruz walks in on the phone with a distribution rep for his Slamigan. It's too well made, so once you have one, you never need another. Capp recommends a Slamigan Plus or something.

Herrmann, who was earlier crowded on the couch, finds a leather recliner rocker on the side of the road, and he gets the guys to load it up.

Gibson is watching the incident from the high school, but when Carver asks if he can see it, he won't show it to him.

Sylvie and Violet try to understand what happened with the defibrillator when Boden calls her into his office. The victim is still unresponsive and may suffer permanent neurological damage. If they can't prove the defib is the problem, she'll be on the hook.

Sylvie and Vi are still trying to figure out what's going on with the machine, and Gibson wants info.

Mouch is feeling his pain. If pain today gains tomorrow holds true, then he'll be the incredible hulk come morning.

Paramedic Chief Robinson doesn't seem nice. Apparently, there was no discrepancy between the machine and the victim.

Robinson threatens Brett with withholding her recommendation for a job in Portland and immediate suspension if it's user error. They get another call and leave Robinson standing.

On the next call, a crazed man is wreaking havoc inside a closed room and somehow manages to smash that reinforced glass with wires through it.

Looks like they're at a hospital. Yep.

Gibson remains closed lip about what he saw at the call despite Carver asking questions.

Stella loves the massage chair.

Vi and Sylvie check on Jared. Marcus eyes them again.

Carver offers to spot Gibson lifting, and the kid remains rude. When Carver mentions he knew he used to box, Gibson gets himself into a snit.

Violet realizes that menthol may be the key to the incident.

Carver reaches out to Gibson again, and this time, he reaches for the olive branch.

When Sylvie and Violet are investigating the menthol idea, they discover that the pads are all baked. There's no gel to make a connection.

Gibson visits Marcus, and Carver tags along. Gibson has felt responsible for someone's life in the past, so he wants to ensure Marcus knows it wasn't his fault. But even saying it, he knows words don't make a difference. But actions do. He advises Marcus to take what he's feeling and turn it into something good.

Gibson needs to get something off of his chest, too, and he tells Carver. He killed a man.

Violet admits she might not have made good impression on Robinson.

The Aquarium isn't where Sylvie thought it was.

Gibson shares his story with Carver. He knocked someone out in the third round of a fight, and he can't forgive himself for his death. His lawyers told him not to talk about it with anybody, and he never did. But locking that away really messed him up. He even wound up in a psych unit for a while, at Lakeshore, where they had the call earlier. That's where he decided to become a firefighter. He never looked back until yesterday.

Carver tells him he's not the first person who joined the CFD on the back of others' misfortune, and he's right where he needs to be because it helps.


Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 5 Quotes

Boden: If this isn't equipment failure, it's user error, and as PIC...
Sylvie: I'm on the hook.

Violet, the machine is charging, but it doesn't fire.
