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Dawson and Casey both have difficulty adjusting to life without Louie. Casey packs up Louie's bedroom at 3 a.m. and takes his anger out on the team until he's dispatched to a fire where he must decide which victim to save as the building collapses.

Despite the man pulling a gun on Casey he chooses to save the girl first. He and Severide then go back for the man but it's too late and they narrowly escape with their lives. Yet when Casey goes back for the body there's nothing there, and everyone begins to doubt Casey's sanity until it's revealed that there was an escape hatch in the basement floor.

Dawson has to help a pregnant teenager deliver her baby in the middle of a field trip and is disgusted when the girl's father blows up on her at Chicago Med. But her outburst gets Dawson rebuffed by the girl's family until she visits them to apologize and winds up providing some heartfelt advice.

Finally Herrmann confronts both Casey and Dawson about their behavior, making them both reconsider. They wind up donating some of Louie's things to the teenager Dawson helped, and find out that she named her baby Gabby.

Meanwhile, Severide returns to work after his bone marrow donation and continues to visit Anna. He's surprised to learn she's close to being discharged from Med and going home to Springfield. This makes things awkward between Severide and Stella, who decides to meet Anna. Anna asks Stella if she and Severide are a couple; Stella says no.

Severide asks Anna to stay in Chicago and pursue their attraction to one another, and the two share a kiss. But when Severide comes back for Anna's discharge she's already gone leaving nothing but a picture and a note that reads "Someday."

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

I'm confused. Am I supposed to see my face in this kind of surface or not?


You're having contractions. Honey, do you know you're pregnant?
