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Ethan and Daniel treat a deranged man who has cuts after crashing through a stained glass window. When Ethan treats a priest who has been stabbed later in the day, he realizes that his first patient was the assailant. He calls the police, upsetting Daniel, who had promised the psych patient a safe place to be treated. The patient becomes hostile, and grabs the defibrillator pads. Daniel attempts to calm him, but ends up getting shocked by the patient. Sarah admits that she's worried that he was over invested in patient because the man who shot him had been killed in prison; Daniel in turn says that he's worried she's withdrawing from patients for the same reason. 

Noah and April treat an older man who is brought in by his sister. The man has leptospirosis, which brings Robin in on the case. While Noah bristles at April's attempts to help him, Robin starts to worry that she is hearing rats again because of the case. The siblings work out their differences, and after Robin goes through an MRI that shows no recurrence of her tumor, she returns to her office to find the maintenance man messing in the ceiling -- she wasn't hearing things after all. 

Sharon is outraged when a man's family is charged $16000 when he dies in the waiting room. She convinces the board to waive the bill, but doing so buts her in a precarious position.  

Nat and Will treat a pregnant woman who just has Braxton Hicks, but when her husband shows up looking ill, his blood panel returns with an inconclusive result for Zika virus. He refuses to tell his wife that he's been having an affair, and HIPPA prevents the doctors from sharing the information with his wife. Nat is about to tell her anyway when the CDC shows up insisting on talking with him -- Will found a way around HIPPA by invoking a federal law. 


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Chicago Med Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Noah: Will you stop it?
April: Wha--what?
Noah: I'm sick of you telling me how to do my job.
April: I'm just trying to help.
Noah: Well, you're not. I don't need a big sister here. I know what I'm doing. *Back off.*

Nurse: That's not blood.
Connor: No, that's...that's fecal matter.
Nurse: Fecal matter? How did he get poop in his chest?!