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Goodwin assigns Maggie a person who can scrub in and pick up the slack for Maggie.as she weans off of her workload. Maggie keeps trying to do everything herself.

She sends the woman on little errands to get her out of the way, but she won't let her step in for any of the bigger stuff.

Maggie scrubs into a surgery, and she's worn down from the chemo. She has t ok run out in the middle of a surgery. April has to scrub in in her place.

Her assistant wants to her but Maggie lashes out at her in the bathroom it cause the woman to quit.

Goodwin reprimands Maggie and she decides to train April to ease her workload.

Caroline injured her wrist. She wants an unnecessary surgery to speed up her healing. She wants to make her baked Alaska for Robi. Charles has a hard time letting Caroline make her own choices because he doesn't want to lose her. She eventually decides to not do the Surgery and he makes her dish with her supervision.

Will and Nat treat a little girl who they suspect has meningitis..natalie is forgetful and struggling to recall certain things. Will suggests a trial to help her remember.nnatalie refuses and Will seemingly punishes her for it. Nat gets kc8jef off the case but figured out what's wrong anyway.

Will says he will oversee all of her patients.

Philip keeps showing up with the kids and hanging around.

Ethan treats an 18 year old who wants to die and have his body out in cryo. They have him declared unfit, but his parents eventually come around to his wishes.

A woman comes in with a newborn. They treat the baby but the woman refused help. Marcel and April clash on how to handle it.

when the birth.mom comes in after having the woman steal her baby from her womb.

April wanted to do something to stop the woman and faced resistance.

Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

You draw anyone's blood without consent that's considered assault. Well, I don't know about you, but I like being a doctor.


He's committing suicide right in front of us. How is this a gray area?
