Sales Strategy - Claws Season 4 Episode 3
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Desna and her crew attend a Lusty Souls sex-toy party. Desna plans to co-opt the company's multi-level marketing approach for her oxy sales operation. Ken interrupts Polly's lunch with her latest mark, Baron von Rykle. The baron whacks Dr. Ken with his cane then Ken is helped up by an attractive woman, Selena. Bryce lines up a buyer for all the fentanyl patches but Quiet Ann is troubled.  Desna and Jenn must co-sign on a loan from Ouibank. Desna makes her pitch to a handful of potential Claws Up salespeople. Desna's younger delivery-driver beau Tony wants to get to know her. She recruits him to make deliveries for her. Dean has become Ann's partner at birthing class and makes a scene. Uncle Daddy kidnaps Ken. Dean apologizes to Eve, the class's teacher, and asks her out. Polly discovers the baron is terminally ill. A client overdoses at a Claws Up party but Desna shocks him back to life. The baron's daughter Cordelia threatens Polly. Virginia is having trouble with her trainee, Georgia. Jenn and Desna argue after Kim, one of Jenn's salespeople, loses her proceeds to her abusive husband Jake. The commune Bryce sold the fentanyl to is actually a doomsday cult about to kill themselves. Desna, Jenn, and Kim takes items from Kim's house to sell to cover the money that Jake stole. Clay, Ann, and Bryce recover the patches from the dead cultists to cover up their involvement. Virginia and Georgia commiserate over their hard times. Kim gets arrested after beating Jake with a golf club. Kim makes up with Jake and quits. Ann recruits her old prison softball team to be Uncle Daddy's dealers. Ken gives an ultimatum to Clay and Desna: he works for both of them or he snitches. Desna tells Jenn she can't succeed being soft. 

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Claws Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

We won't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Jenn [to Desna]

Oh, my god! Just cancel Bryce right now!
