Amanda Has A Drink - Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 9
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Carmen and Johnny wake up the morning after. The wonder about Miguel and Carmen ponders if Johnny is afraid of getting hurt.

Ali is in town for the holidays, and she had plans to reconnect. Johnny sees her message and ponders if she should get lunch or not.

Sam shows Miguel some moves and they end up making out. Daniel catches them.

Kreese let Robby stay at Cobra Kai and shows him some moves. Hawk is not happy about it. Kreese says that they need all the best fighters.

Daniel talks to Sam about her relationship stuff.

Sam tells him that Miguel has changed.

Ali and Johnny reminisce. Johnny apologizes for the past and tells her the truth about how he's been over the years. Ali tells him that she is separated from her husband.

Tory invited Robby to a cobra kai hang at the zoo and he shows up despite his and Hawk's reservations. They plan to steal a cobra for Kreese.

Hawk planned it but Kyler doesn't bring the snake pole so they bail before they're caught. Robby manages to steal it though so everyone celebrates and Hawk is mad.

Daniel tells Miguel a bit about his past and how he too was poor with a single mother and Johnny was the rich kid. They talk and Daniel gives his side of things.

Sam and Miguel arrange for both their dojos to come to Sam's house to propose an alliance to beat Cobra Kai.

Kreese is pleased that they completed their mission and that Robby is a great addition. He reminds them of the importance of working together.

Johnny and Ali spent some more time together at a carnival and almost kiss. She's interrupted with a phone call and she invites Johnny to a holiday party.

It's the same party that the LaRussos are at. Johnny arrives and sees Ali hugging Daniel.

Cobra Kai
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Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

The enemy of your enemy is your friend.


What's the matter, sensei? Can't let your guard down or too scared?
