Closing in on a Lead - Criminal Minds: Evolution
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The team is on the hunt for someone running with a kill kit. Suspect fires!

JJ and Alvez begged officers to stand down. It didn't work, and the unsub killed himself, kill kit unused.

Elias is teaching his daughter how to play basketball. His happy face disappears when she runs back into the house.

Young girl is Harlow. Older daughter is in trouble for vaping. She claims she didn't vape. Mom thinks they should believe her. Elias worries that she's having sex or might be a vegan.

Elias tries to move money electronically, but he's moved too much.

A kid named Chad is by to sell magazine subscriptions. Elias says no, and his dad, Hal, asks Chad to assert himself and then wonders where Elias's school spirit is. When Hal pushes, Elias imagines dropping him to the ground and breaking his head with a rock.

Elias is driven to his kill kit. He's got cameras everywhere. Moose is in a cage, barking at the intruding music. I'm going to lose it if they show him dismembering that dog.

Tara and her girlfriend are coming to work together when her girlfriend suggests moving in together. She'd be willing to make the commute when she returned to the DOJ. Tara promises to think about it.

A woman wants information from Tara about her daughter who has been missing since 2007. There is a hive of people in the family room.

JJ asks Garcia about how she got the kill kit codes. Garcia shushes it out. She doesn't want to talk about sad things, even though she has to now.

Garcia found a hidden app on all the kill kit phones, which led to a messaging platform where all of the recruitment seems to be happening.

They consider he's like a cult leader, or perhaps he's an artist who gives out kill kits like paint brushes.

Alvez addresses the Bailey elephant in the room. Prentiss takes the kill kit information to Bailey, and he thinks it's just groovy that if they want to kill themselves, they do.

Prentiss tries to talk reasonably with him about taking the group down from the top, and Bailey eagerly wonders if they should bring in anti-terrorism.

Bailey is an idiot, once again speaking about "the brass" as if he's not speaking on their behalf.

Elias's oldest daughter got into a private school. His wife doesn't understand why he's not happy. He's worried about money. Lockdown burned through most of their savings.

Garcia has been making all kinds of progress. The three dead guys have all talked to user 45125, but there isn't information in him. He's talked to over 17k people on the forum.

Elias asks for more work, but he discovers the company is making cutbacks. He's been canned.

Hal speaks threateningly to Kylie, which is apparently the older girl's name. Hal taunts Elias. Elias makes a call to Benjamin, who is one of many who have been bankrolling this thing.

Garcia realizes that Elias is picking candidates based on the kill kits he's created, not the other way around.

Elias is stewing in his anger so that even sex won't take his mind off of it.

I wonder who he will kill instead of Hal.

Rossi thinks Elias is former military with PTSD.

This particular guy is suffering the aftereffects of drone strikes. If he has an IED, he's going to use it. Now we see the dark haired fella who is next in line.

Bailey is still beating the drum of DT, and Emily decides to make it a joint operation. Rossi isn't pleased.

Bailey is an idiot, and the domestic terrorism group isn't far behind.

JJ and Alvez decide to go on their own. They're not losing another one. Bailey threatens to relieve Rossi of his duties, and Rossi is thrilled.

Elias is outside the park annoyed.

At a press conference, Bailey says it was a DT move, and now everyone will know they're under observation. Elias tells his wife that the other guy fumbled the installation.

Bailey is also bitching about Tara and her girlfriend and officially relieves Rossi of his duty for not telling him about their relationship.

Prentiss takes the job herself and then threatens Bailey who will be the one wanting when the BAU brings it all home.

Girlfriend is getting pulled back to DC. Under pressure, Tara wants her to move in. She only realized it when shit got real.

JJ brings news that the kill kit featured a fake bomb. Now they realize how close they could have come to getting Sicarius. Green was trying to get him on camera.

Tyler's sister went missing years ago. He infiltrated the network, and he's who gave Garcia the codes.

Elias is talking to a guy he's calling Hal. The poor bastard is going to be killed by Moose. The music that aggravated the poor baby is his kill kit.


Criminal Minds
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Criminal Minds Season 16 Episode 3 Quotes

In the face of pain, there are no heroes. -- George Orwell.


What do we have on this fuckhead?
