Seeking Connection - Dark Winds
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The escaped and injured Wolf limps toward B.J. Vines' home. B.J. holds a shotgun on him. Wolf tells him that Leaphorn suspects Wolf works for B.J. but he can't prove it. B.J. gives Wolf $5,000 and a car so he can run. Then B.J. shoots him dead as he's walking away. Gordo and Joe discuss Wolf's escape. B.J. ends his hiring of Chee when Jim presses him about Rosemary's whereabouts. Leaphorn runs his case by his father. He needs Henry's knowledge of explosives. At the Drumco site, they look for evidence of Wolf's bomb signature. Henry locates a telltale piece of blue wire. Chee rifles through Tomas Charley's effects. Henry suggests B.J. should receive some Indian justice. Tomas, who was having an affair with Rosemary, took a photo of the original geological survey document that had been in B.J.'s lockbox. It proves B.J. doctored the report that was filed with the state. There's no uranium in the mine. Joe arrests B.J. Emma approves publication of Mary's sterlization article. After Chee and Rosemary discuss her part in B.J.'s arrest, she drives away. Joe makes Sally's baby laugh for the first time. B.J. is released on bail. Leaphorn finds Wolf's metronome on B.J.'s desk and arrests him again. Joe takes him to a secluded spot and leaves him there to walk back. Leaphorn melts down J.J.'s belt buckle, molding it into a feather for Bern. Gordo arrives at the first-laugh ceremony for the baby. He's retiring at the end of the month. Gordo added that B.J. skipped bail. He encourages Joe to run for his job but Joe declines. Bern informs Leaphorn she's taking the Border Patrol job. Sally decides to move out, leaving a note for Joe and Emma. Chee rejoins the force and later kisses Bern goodbye. 

Dark Winds
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Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

You always told me it wasn't a competition. But you always got to do me one better, don't ya?

Leaphorn [to Gordo]

B.J.: One more step and the undertaker will be picking buckshot from your teeth.
Wolf: Do you know who I am?