Thursdays on FX (Hulu Exclusive)
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Stewart goes home to his RV. Lyndon is inside waiting for him. 

Lyndon asks Stewart to help her get back into DEVS.

Jamie and Lily hide out in a motel in Napa. Jamie suggests they go to the media, but Lily says no one will listen. 

Lily wants to go back to San Francisco. Jamie drives her to Forest's home. He was expecting her to come.

Katie walks in to give Lily answers about DEVS while Forest entertains Jamie.

Forest is surprised that Kenton broke Jamie's hand and apologizes. 

Lily finds out that Katie's been sleeping with Forest. Katie reveals the circumstances surrounding Sergei's death and admits it was covered up.

Lily asks about DEVS. Katie explains the concept of the multiverse and how there are no random events to Lily.

Forest and Jamie discuss Lily's love for Sergei and his love for Lily. Forest promises Jamie that everything is going to work out just fine.

Katie tells Lily that DEVS can only see as far as tomorrow night. They aren't sure what happens to trigger a breakdown of the laws of the universe, but they believe it involves Lily. She's at the DEVS lab when the event occurs. 

Lily doesn't believe she'll end up at DEVS. She doesn't believe the system can predict what she does.

Kenton watches Jamie and Lily leave Forest's home and feels betrayed.

Lily and Jamie kiss.

Forest and Katie admit they both really like each other. They're ready for whatever's coming tomorrow.

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DEVS Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

He's crazy. He's obsessive. He kills people.


I have to be there, I'm the guy who cracked the problem!
