On Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 11, it's possible that humanity may be cast into the darkness as the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are all led into a battle.

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When you watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 11 online, the Doctor, Bill, and Nardole stop in at second century Scotland in order to discover the fate of the Ninth Legion, which vanished into thin air. It doesn't take them long to discover something definitely out of the ordinary is afoot. Unfortunately, Bill is separated from the Doctor and Nardole, who find the missing legion and get captured by the locals. Bill, meanwhile, runs into the few remaining Roman survivors, who share a grim and terrifying story of an unworldly monster that slaughtered their comrades in arms with ease, a creature that feeds on light and will soon track them down and kill them, too. And the Doctor and Nardole learn the other half of the story, discovering the dark origin of this unearthly beast and how it came to be on this world. It's up to Bill to help the terrified legionaries survive, and to find a way to rejoin Nardole and the Doctor. And it's up to the Doctor to figure out how to send this creature back where it came from, without any more people suffering a grisly fate. Find out what happens whe you watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 11 online!

Episode Details

On Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 11, it's possible that humanity may be cast into the darkness as the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are all led into a battle.

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Doctor Who
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Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 11 Quotes

Nardole [about a crow]: But it *talked*!
The Doctor: Well, of course it did. It’s a crow. All crows talk.
Nardole [taken aback]: Well, they don’t talk in the *future*!
The Doctor: Of course they do. Human beings just stopped having intelligent conversations with them, and they all took a bit of a huff.
Nardole: Crows in the future all in a huff?
The Doctor: Of course they are! Haven’t you noticed that noise they make? It’s like a mass sulk!

Five thousand Roman soldiers. Eyes peeled. They must have left some kind of mark on the landscape -- burning huts, slaughtered locals, sweetie wrappers.

The Doctor