Scissors at the Ready - Doom Patrol
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At the Ant Farm, Rita is struck dumb and still while Rouge tries to gather materials from WAlly’s cell. Rouge gets her to snap out of it just in time for them to hear the intruder alarm.

Rouge decides to change herself into a suitcase and Rita pours herself into it. They roll through the corridors. When they run into soldiers, the soldiers mistake them for Colonel Samsonite , salute them, and move on.

In Orqwith, the Scissormen march Cliff, Jane, Vic, and Deric to a holding cell. The team members snipe at each other verbally while Deric tries to be solution-oriented.

Deric finds a paper and pencil in his pocket. Remembering that things that are drawn become real in Orqwith, he draws a rock and it manifests and drops onto the Scissormen guarding their cell.

Cliff and Jane head out to get Jane’s longevity back. Vic and Deric offer to go save Larry.

Rita and Rouge return to the mansion. They find Cliff’s note that he and Jane have gone to get Jane’s longevity back in Orqwith. Rouge determines they need to go after them.

Rita gives up and retreats to her room, leaving Rouge with Wally’s papers.

Jane and Cliff find the Immortus worshippers and what appears to be the longevity holder. Jane has Cliff take the top off his metal head, exposing his brain and uses him as a bargaining chip to try to get them to hand her longevity back.

Wally enters and offers Cliff the potential future that Immortus can grant him.

Vic and Deric find Larry and Keeg guarded by Scissormen. Deric offers to give Vic back his arm cannon, but Vic doesn’t want it. He tells Deric to use it.

Rouge barges into Rita’s room to inform her she found the schematics to build a portal to Orqwith in Wally’s papers.

Rita decides she’s no good at superheroing and refuses to help. Rouge gives her a pep talk. Rita threatens to smoosh her the way she did Wally.

Wally tells Cliff and Jane how Niles introduced him to the Immortus project. Niles had him create Peanut Butter, the farting donkey, to sniff out the piece of Immortus that would allow him to take care of Dorothy.

Vic has Deric manifest a flaming sword as his weapon. They fight the scissormen.

Wally offers Cliff and Jane Niles’s Longevity Talisman so they can see the possibilities Immortus offers. Touching it transports them to a grocery store.

Vic and Deric defeat the Scissormen after Vic gives Deric some tips on how to handle the arm cannon.

Rita joins Rouge where she’s trying to construct the portal and pours herself a drink. They talk about their respective disappointments in life and themselves. They reconcile and share a drink.

In the grocery store, Cliff’s daughter appears and asks for Cliff’s help in finding Rory. Jane tries to keep Cliff from being sucked into the narrative but he runs off to help find his grandson.

Deric is excited by being a superhero. Vic gets upset. He tells Deric what waking up as Cyborg was like.

They find Larry and Keeg, but Larry refuses to leave Keeg and Keeg wants to stay in Orqwith.

Rita and Rouge drunkenly complete the portal. They compare bad deeds and Rouge points out that Rita’s pretty much a serial killer.

Rouge uses Wally’s ink on Rita’s coat to activate the portal. They step through the door, Rita stopping to bring the drinks cart through with them.

Cliff runs around the store looking for Rory, Jane trying to stop him from buying into the lie. They find Rory at the checkout, singing into the PA system. He’s a little boy now. He recognizes Cliff and holds his arms out for a hug. Cliff takes his mitt off but the vision disappears before he can hold Rory.

Wally promises Immortus can give him this possibility. Over Jane’s protests, Cliff offers up his longevity to resurrect Immortus.

Out in Orqwith, Deric and Vic notice that something’s happening. Vic wants Larry to come with him and convinces him to bring Keeg with them because Orqwith is crumbling.

Cliff’s longevity completes the ritual. Wally and the other acolytes prepare for Immortus’s arrival. Rita and Rouge arrive first, singing drunkenly. Jane stages a revolt. Torminox aims his weapon at her but it’s shot out of his hand by Casey.

Casey steps out of the shadows to Torminox’s shock. She pleads with him to stop what he’s doing. Wally asks how she can be alive since he never brought her to life. Casey point out that Dorothy gave her life.

Dorothy runs in to hug Jane. She addresses Wally who recognizes her as Niles’s child. He declares everything as meant to be as the longevity chamber begins to rumble.

Jane, Dorothy, and Casey try to escape but they’re stopped by Scissormen. Suddenly a protective bubble encases them. Another forms around Rouge and Rita. A third around Cliff. Deric is drawing them and adds one around himself, Vic, and Larry.

The chamber cracks open and Isabel Feathers steps out. She opens her mouth and screams, destroying everything not encased in a safe bubble.

Doom Patrol
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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Deric: Look, we’re all stuck in here now. Maybe instead of picking at each other, we try to be more solution-oriented. Y’know, find a way to get out of here. Who’s got ideas?
Jane: You telling us how to do superhero shit? You fuckin’ Boy Scout.
Cliff: Don’t fuck with our process.

Vic: What are you guys even doing here?
Jane: How about a THANKS for coming to help your captured asses?
Cliff: Technically, we only came to get Jane’s longevity back, but we probably woulda tried to help you if there was time.
Vic: Right, sorry. Thanks for the help. When did you plan on starting by the way? With the helping? Just want to make sure I don’t miss it.