M&A on a Mission - Found
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We open with flashbacks to 2001, earlier that year when Gabi first arrived to Sir's class as a transfer student. He's immediately taken with her and her knowledge about Shakespeare.

She gets made fun of for being a teacher's pet, but Sir shuts it down.

Gabi studies the wall of all they accomplished and relishes being in the office for what she figures may be the last time. She intends to share the truth with everyone in the morning.

Trent shows up at the office to hug Gabi and tell her how relieved he is that he fond her.  She goes in for a kiss but he stops her saying he still needs some answers, and she tells him that she has them, and ones he won't like, but she has to talk to her team first.

Gabi arrives home. Her senses are tingling and she sees that the basement door is open and blood is on the door. She heads downstairs with her bat and realizes that Sir is gone.

She calls Dhan and Dhan realizes that Sir got out searching for her and trying to save her because he still thinks she's in trouble.

Gabi wants to get to Lacey to protect her. Lacey calls to tell Gabi that they got a lead for a case that had gone cold, Dashika. It's a photo of her and it says that she's alive.

Gabi swears she'll explain everything to Lacey when she sees her.

Gabi starts freaking out and Dhan reminds her that she has to focus on the case and saving Dashika while he'll find Sir.

Ethan, Dhan's husband notices Dhan being incredibly different and knows that Gabi has the power to make him do things that he swears he can't do or revisit. Ethan tries to stop Dhan from doing whatever it is he has in mind.

They see Dashika at this train station at four am and try to get more information about it, but Trent and Shaker have limited resources tracking things down.

Margaret calls Gabi out on spiraling and being scared. Ethan shows up at the agency and asks Gabi about Dhan too and wondering why his husband is always missing.

Dhan heads to the farmhouse to investigate and Margaret calls him to question him about what's really going on and tells him about Ethan.

He gives Margaret the impression it's about Sir and that she has to keep Gabi and Lacey in her sights.

Gabi does a press conference on Dashika, who is a young girl that Gabi has a soft spot for because she said she wanted to be just like Gabi.

There seems to be tension among Dashika's family with more news about the case. The grandparents want to be involved, mainly the grandmother, Lily, the grandfather, Jeremy has dementia.

Trent gets a lead about Dashika. A woman said she saw her, that she had burn marks on her arm, the woman felt Dashika was in an abusive relationship.

Lacey concludes that Dashika was likely being abused because the burn marks are old.

Teen Gabi has lunch with Sir where they talk about books and he says she can help with his lesson plan. She talks a bit about her father and talks about her mother before she died.

Sir shares that his mother was killed.

He's told about Kyle, the boy bullying Gabi, being sick and throwing up.

Trent and Margaret talk about Gabi and being worried about her.

Dhan is cleaning the basement and says his contact from the CIA tells him that someone matching Sir's description got a quick fake ID and may be leaving the contry. Dhan gets rid of all evidence of Sir from Gabi's home.

Margaret gets pings about the social worker at CPS who looked into Dashika's case, and he has a bunch of pictures of her on his computer. There were records of abuse but Heller never reported it.

They feel Lily, Dashika's grandmother is who suspected Dashika was being abused They go to talk to Dashika. She asked Dashika's parents about it and Heller told her that if she kept investigating her son-in-law, she'd get in trouble for elder abuse.

Dashika's father is shocked by all of it, but Margaret notices that April is the one who was likely abusing Dashika.

April admits that it was discipline and not abuse.

Lacey finally confronts Dhan and Gabi about their secrecy. Gabi says they have a credible Sir sighting, but Lacey says she won't keep uprooting her life anymore and leaves to go home against their wishes.

Gabi goes down in the basement with a file and she keeps imagining Sir taunting her.

Margaret is at the bus station and concludes that Dashika was coming into town not leaving.

They wonder if Dashika was protecting her kidnapper and Zeke gives insight, sharing with the crew that his uncle was who kidnapped him, something he hasn't told anyone beyond his therapist in all this time.

He says his parents still don't even know.

They realize that Grandma April is who took Dashika.

She felt like she was taking her to protect her.

They find a hideaway hole in a closet and that's where April was keeping Dashika al this time. She wants to go to her father.

Kareem says he wants to help keep JEremy.

Dashika thanks Gabi for finding her.

Dhan tells Gabi that his hacker contact find Sir on a plane to Amsterdam, he left the country.

She realizes that Sir left the Dashika tip. He won't let her go. She says she has to end it all and tells the team about Sir.

Margaret and Lacey walk out and Zeke walks away after she breaks the news. Gabi breaks down crying and curls up. Dhan sits across the room from her.

Lacey gets home and locks everything up and destroys her apartment in anguish. She gets a call from the Vet telling her that her dog is doing better but that he was posoned.

When Dhan gets home, Ethan hugs and comforts him.

Gabi notices blood on her cabinet and notices that the rat poison is gone.

We get a flashback to when she was a teen and it's clear that Sir poisoned Kyle for teasing Gabi.

Sir is in Lacey's apartment and sees her ignoring a call from Gabi.


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Found Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Trent: Gabi, I was so scared that I was going to lose you tonight. That I wouldn't get there in time... We need to talk, Gabi. I need answers on a lot of things.
Gabi: And I have them. Answers you're not going to like, but I need to talk to my team first.
Trent: Gabi-
Gabi: This will be the last favor that I ask.

Mr. Randolph, we don't dim someone's light no matter how brightly they shine. Now, apologize to Ms. Mosley.
