Missing While Undocumented - Found Season 1 Episode 5
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Gabi calls to check in on Tony.

In 2003, Sir reveals that he plans on traveling to Paris with Gabi.

Ryan visits and tells Gabi she must spread her dad's ashes.

Gabi throws away Sir's food and gives him burnt toast.

Someone takes a tab from Margaret's poster at the bus station.

The team receives a case about a missing undocumented immigrant.

Margaret says she will be late.

Dhan comes to work unkempt.

Trent works on a homicide case.

Gabi, Lacey, and Dhan go to Satcha's place to find it ransacked and meet her brother.

Trent learns that ICE doesn't have Satcha in their custody.

The team follows up on leads. Dhan finds Satcha's boss.

Gabi asks Sir to look into Satcha's case, or else she will deny him stuff.

The team investigates Satcha's movements by interviewing her boss and checking security footage.

Margaret tells the team about the taken tab, and they're happy for her.

Lacey and Zeke work the case together at Zeke's.

With Ethan away, Dhan doesn't want to go home, so he hangs with Zeke and Lacey.

Sir offers some insight into the case.

The team learns that Satcha's case is related to Trent's homicide case.

The guy who claimed to be Satcha's brother is not, and he's suspected of several homicides.

The team finds Manny as he tries to kill Satcha, but Trent arrives in time.

The team welcomes Satcha home.

Dhan was held captive for three years.

Gabi and Trent talk about Gabi's father. She decides to hold on to his ashes for a while longer.

Gabi tells Sir she'll keep the name her parents gave her.

Sir gives Gabi the wood piece that broke off.

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Found Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

You blamed yourself for being taken, and your father he blamed himself for not being able to find you. But the truth is the devil that robbed you and your father of that year is the only one to blame.


Sir: Gabrielle, think! I wouldn't have left a book out unless...
Gabi: ...you wanted me to see it.
Sir: There's a whole world out there. So much to see and experience. I want us to see the world together, Gabrielle. Paris can be our first stop.
Gabi: I don't understand
Sir: Well, the plan was never to stay here and hide in this place forever. I was waiting for you to adapt, to accept our new family. Once you do, we'll turn the page to get a new chapter anywhere in the world. We'll change our names. I've already come up with mine: Eric Blair.
Gabi: Eric Blair was George Orwell's real name.
Sir: Well done! Now, you need to come up with your new name. One that embodies who you wanna be in our new life together. I can't wait!