Talking Together - FROM Season 2 Episode 9
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Boyd and Kenny enter Reggie's house and find Paula mutilated in bed. Reggie tells her that Paula was talking in her sleep, and then something cracked inside of her.

Boyd sends Ethan home and then tells Julie and Kenny to go door to door, warning people not to go to sleep. Julie then tells him about Jim being at the RV.

In the woods, Randall tells Jim about what he saw outside the clinic. And when Jim tries to help Donna, Randall pushes him down. Boyd shows up soon after and gets Randall to put his knife down, then Randall throws the van keys into the woods, forcing them into the RV.

Julie and Ethan worry about Jim in the woods.

Sara and Kenny stay at the post office, and she tells him that things feel different and wrong. She worries that the fears of those who've died in the town have become a part of the forest.

Reggie tells everyone at Colony House what happened, and they soon realize that Donna is missing. They then decide to pair up so they don't fall asleep.

Inside the RV, Boyd handcuffs Randall after he and Jim get into it.

Ellis brings Kristi and Marielle to a private room at Colony House. And while gathering supplies, Ellis confides in Kristi his nervousness about Fatima's pregnancy.

Tabitha shows Jade the pictures she and Victor found, and she tells him that picture of the tower and how she's dreamed of walking up the stairs of a tower.

Boyd prepares the bile bullets as the monsters surround the RV. Donna suggests they let Randall go outside to shoot them, and Boyd gives him a choice to do it, but then the monsters stop walking toward the RV, and they all begin to hear the music box play.

Marielle begins to destroy the room at Colony House, believing something is in there with her before she calms down with help from Kristi. She then asks Kristi to strap her down to the bed.

Sara tries to apologize to Kenny, but he doesn't want her apologies. He tells her to shut up, and she tells him she's tired and doesn't want to be his monster anymore. He proceeds to tell her where Boyd keeps his spare gun.

Reggie repeatedly yells at the people at Colony House to stay awake, scaring them.

In the RV, the music stops, and thumping starts underneath the vehicle. Randall escapes out the back while Jim and Donna break for the van. Boyd stays in the RV momentarily, and Abby appears, telling him to return to her.

Boyd leaves the RV, shooting at the monsters, and eventually gets to the van, while in the woods, Randall is attacked by the cicadas.

Kenny finds Sara with a gun at Boyd's desk. She tells him she doesn't want to cause any more pain and plays Russian roulette. She pulls the trigger once, and the gun doesn't fire before Kenny takes it from her.

At Colony House, while knitting with Elgin, Tillie tells Fatima she knows she's pregnant, which triggers Elgin to remember his dream.

While alone, Marielle hears the cicadas and is attacked by them. When Kristi arrives, she can't see the bugs.

Boyd and Donna return to Colony House and try to keep everyone calm. When Jim tries to leave, Boyd pulls his gun out before Kristi calls him upstairs.

With Marielle unresponsive but breathing, Boyd tries to comfort Kristi before Ellis calls him to speak with Elgin. Elgin tells Boyd that once he learned Fatima was pregnant, he remembered his dream: a boy in all-white repeating a phrase. Bakta then reveals that the phrase is actually part of a nursery rhyme.

At Tian Chen's, Julies starts screaming, seemingly being attacked by the cicadas, though no one can see them.

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FROM Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Boyd: Are you out of your goddamn mind?
Randall: Guess we're gonna have to stay the night and see what happens, huh?

Julie: Boyd. What's going on? What happened in there?
Boyd: Something killed Paula.
Julie: But it's not dark yet. I don't...
Boyd: There's something else here now. Something new.