Boyd & Sara Working Together - FROM Season 2 Episode 10
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Kristi and Kenny go to Tian Chen's, so Kristi can check on Julie. Boyd is already there, and he shakes off Kenny's concern before leaving and briefly talking to Jade on the porch as Jade laments that there is too much they don't know.

Donna, Elgin, and Dale take the van to the RV as they look for Randall's body. They find him alive but unconscious in the woods, and he starts screaming, as do Marielle and Julie.

Boyd, Sara, and Kenny walk through the woods, heading toward the clearing Boyd emerged from after failing to free Martin. Boyd asks her about seeing the boy in white when they were in the woods during FROM Season 1 Episode 10.

Sara begins to hear the music and screaming, as her nose begins to bleed and she becomes physically distressed. She sees the music box, but Boyd and Kenny cannot see anything. Sara tells Boyd that "it" is laughing at Boyd and they want to hurt everyone. She then tells Boyd that he has to make the music stop.

Back at Colony House, Donna tells Matthias to lock up all the guns in the shed.

Tabitha tells Jim about what Victor's mother said about saving the children in the tower. She asks for permission from Jim to go into the woods and look for the tower. She then asks Victor if he knows where the tower is, and he doesn't know where it is but does know where the bottle tree is.

After failing to find the music box, Kenny asks Boyd what they should do next, and he tells him to go back to town and try to help people feel less afraid.

Ellis and Fatima decide to get married that day.

At the bar, Jade works to re-orient his perspective and find a different way to look at the symbol. Tom appears to him and tells him that Jade knows the symbol is in the tunnel, and answers are within the tunnel.

Reggie goes to the shed and slits Matthias's throat before stealing a gun from the shed.

Boyd retreats to the church and vents to God before Donna arrives. He tells her what Sara told him and blames himself for bringing something back to the town. Donna tells him to come to Colony House to see Ellis and Fatima get married.

Jade ties a rope to a tree and enters the tunnel. He eventually comes to a room where he is surrounded by children on a slab, muttering a phrase over and over again, and when he looks up, he can see the symbol in a formation on the ceiling.

Victor and Tabitha go into the woods and find the bottle tree. He tells Tabitha he found his mother there the day after everyone died. He explains to her that the faraway tree there is special and gives her his lunch box to take with her. She enters the tree and emerges in the woods, where she walks a ways and finds the lighthouse.

Ellis and Fatima get married in their bedroom with Donna and Boyd looking on.

After Ellis makes mention of a light in the darkness during his vows, Boyd races off to the trailer in the woods to grab the torch he used to escape the room in FROM Season 2 Episode 2. When he leaves the trailer, he encounters Reggie, who shoots him in the shoulder after blaming him for bringing something back to the town. Boyd is able to kill him before he can shoot him again.

Boyd gets to the clearing and lights the torch, which brings him back to the room where he hears and sees the music box and Marielle, Randall, and Julie chained to the wall. Before he can smash the music box, Abby appears and tries to stop him from destroying the box, but Boyd chooses to break the box, which wakes Marielle, Randall, and Julie up.

Back in the clearing, Boyd sees a dog who quickly runs off.

In town, Ethan notes that the buzzing outside has stopped.

Tabitha climbs the tower stairs and hears the children repeating the phrase she previously heard. At the top, the boy in white appears and pushes her out the window.

Tabitha awakens at St. Anthony Hospital, where she's told by a doctor some hikers found her three days prior on the side of a trail. She looks out the hospital window to see a bustling town down below.

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FROM Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Jim. I have to try this. I have to at least try.


Dale: What are we even doing out here? Randall was an asshole.
Donna: Yeah, well, you're an asshole, too, and I wouldn't leave you out here to rot.