Bloodied Boyd - FROM Season 2 Episode 6
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Boyd talks to Tian Chen and reiterates that everything he did with Sara, he was doing for the town's good, as things are changing, and he has to do whatever he can to get people home. Kenny interrupts their conversation, and Boyd leaves.

When Boyd gets to the church, the place has been cleared out, and a ballerina appears, dancing to a music box. They dance together briefly before worms start coming out of her mouth.

Boyd then comes to in the diner, never having actually left. With a bruised skull and trouble walking, Kenny accompanies him to the clinic.

Ellis and Fatima help Donna load up the truck with food, which is dwindling. They're left in charge of closing up Colony House as Donna goes to Tian Chen's.

Kristi looks in Marielle's bag for a hair tie and finds a packet for a treatment center. Kristi then confronts Marielle about relapsing, and Marielle admits to taking some of the liquid morphine. The two then argue as Kristi starts riffling through the medicine cabinet.

While Boyd and Kenny walk to the clinic, Boyd's arms hurt, and he tells Kenny about the worms in his arms. He then sees and hears the music box before the ballerina comes out of the cellar, while Kenny sees none of it.

At the clinic, Boyd tells Kristi about Martin giving him his blood and the worms. He also asks her to end things if they get too bad with him.

Donna works with Tian Chen and the Matthews to sort the food. Jim starts to worry once he realizes they only have enough food for about a month.

Boyd sees and hears the music box again, and the ballerina comes and tries to choke him. When Marielle finds him, he pulls his gun on her briefly.

Ellis and Fatima argue over Ellis not telling her about Boyd hiding Sara. They hear a commotion in the kitchen and find Dale accusing Elgin and the other new people of stealing food. Dale then orders them to leave with a knife, and when Ellis intervenes, he gets stabbed in the chest.

Boyd talks with Khatri and is found by Kenny, who confronts him about what's happening to him. He tells Kenny that he knows how things look with him, but something happened to him in the woods, and he's terrified.

With Ellis dying, Elgin and Fatima work together to get him to the clinic. Elgin runs outside and gets the van with monsters beginning to swarm, and then he and Fatima get Ellis into the van and drive to the clinic.

Once at the clinic, everyone works together to get the pressure off Ellis's chest so he can breathe.

Kristi tells Boyd they need to perform a blood transfusion, or Ellis's organs will start to fail. Boyd, being the same blood type, refuses, as he's unwilling to spread whatever is in his body to Ellis. Kenny tries to force him before offering up himself as someone Boyd can pass the blood to so he can then help Ellis.

Marielle and Kristi see the worms under Boyd's skin. And then Boyd decides to pass the blood on and heads outside, taunting the monsters to come out. Once they do, Boyd cuts his hand and slices one of the monster's throats. He grasps the monster's neck, infecting him with his blood, and the monster seemingly dies, with the other monsters looking on curiously.

Having successfully passed the blood, Kristi before the blood transfusion on Ellis.

Donna and Ethan talk in the basement of Tian Chen's, and Ethan admits to Donna that he lied to his parents and is really scared. Donna tells him she is as well, but that without fear, they would never know how to be brave.

Ellis wakes up and is able to breathe.

Fatima takes a moment with Kristi and breaks down over the thought of almost losing Ellis. She then asks Kristi for a pregnancy test.

Kenny tells Boyd that he should have listened to him, as the two watch the monster Boyd infected from the window, wondering if he's actually dead.

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FROM Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

The guy who did this to me, right? Whatever these things are, they had been feeding on him. For years. And he passed it on to me because they wouldn't let him die. You imagine that? It was so bad that all he wanted to do was die.

Boyd [to Kristi]

Fatima: What do we tell people about the food?
Donna: For now, as little as possible. Just say we're working on a new system. We don't want anyone to panic.