A Hard Truth - Ghosts
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A flashback is shown of Alberta, Thorfinn, and Sasappis watching Flower die from the bear attack. Flower's boyfriend runs away after she's killed. Flower doesn't realize she's dead.

Isaac is conducting his memoir interview with Sam. While he talks about the British and why he joined the army, Nigel makes disgruntled noises.

Paula, a producer for the TV show "Dumb Deaths," has come to Woodstone Manor to film an episode about Flower's death. Flower doesn't want the TV show to shoot because she doesn't want to be embarrassed. Pete tries to convince Sam to shoot the episode.

Flower agrees to the episode.

Isaac confronts Nigel about his noises during the chat with Sam. Nigel and Isaac get into an argument about who was right. Thorfinn doesn't want to give his opinion.

Paula reveals that the network changed its mind to have the episode be focused on a different murder. They pivoted to Pete's death.

The actor playing Pete tries to get into the mind of his character. Pete overhears the actor and the director talking about what drove Pete's death. They changed direction to make "Pete" drunk and depressed.

Isaac goes to Trevor for advice about how to fix things between him and Nigel. Trevor gives him the idea of changing the subject to something more positive.

Pete is upset that they're going to portray him as a drunk. Sam tries to push back, but Paula rejects her idea.

The groups come up with the idea of reaching out to one of the former troop members to prove that Pete wasn't drunk.

Isaac tries to convince Nigel to go on a walk to a different location. The two get into an argument about their country's standings.

One of the troop members arrives to prove that Pete wasn't a drunk. However, her recollection reveals that Pete was muttering things about donut holes and he handed out the bows/arrows before the safety speech. A flashback reveals that Pete got into an argument with his wife about donut holes.

Pete feels depressed; he believes that he let the troopers down for his dumb death.

Isaac thinks things will end between him and Nigel over their differences. Sam comforts him and tells him that the countries are friends.

Hetty comes up with the idea to use Thorfinn's power to shut the production and the camera down

Jay tries to get a sandwich from the food truck unsuccessfully.

Thorfinn uses his powers to shut down the battery. The crew has another battery ready to shoot the scene.

A PA walks through Flower and becomes stoned. He shoots an arrow into the air and it hits Jay. Jennifer, the former troop member, steps in with her skills to help Jay. Pete is happy because it proved that he wasn't a terrible troop leader.

The group watches the newest episode of "Dumb Deaths." It's revealed that the crew changed their focus to be about Flower's death instead of Pete's death so that they wouldn't sue them.

Sam stepped in to play Flower as part of the deal. Pete's actor steps in as Flower's former boyfriend.

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Ghosts Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Flower: Hey Mister Bear, how are you today?
Alberta: Oh, she is not long for this world…
Thorfinn: Thor happy for bear. He growl tonight.
Flower: What’s that? Oh, you want a hug?!

Pete: Look, I may not have had the perfect marriage. And at work, I was a good travel agent, but I was no Brent Flanagan.
[Awkward silence]
Pete: Famous travel agent.
Sam: There are no famous travel agents.