Meeting Davia's Friends  - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 9
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Luca is working when his dance class crush asks him to dance with her, so he does, but he's daydreaming about all of it.

His dance instructor finds him, and she promises not to tell the rest of class that he works there.

Marinaa confides in Joaquin when he comes over to give her and update. She tells him abut BB getting sold and bought out, and they'll get laid off without their initial investment and no capital.

Davia comes into the restaurant drunk after hanging out with the theater crew and wonderes about Dennis gettng his license from Jeet. She wants Dennis to join her with the friends soon, and she gives him a BJ to christen the place.

Mariana has nightmares about telling the girls about BB, and she approaches Evan about getting 100 employeeds to use their stock options to invest in him.

He is shocked by all the things he supposedly did and wonders why he can't say no to Maiana.

Malika speaks to people about having the center in the neighborhood but they think it'll cause more harm than good and say they won't support it.

Dennis shows up at the bar crawl but already can tell that Braden has a crush on Davia.

The girl Luca has a crush on asks him out after class for drinks but he lies about having a meeting with an agent to hide that he's working there.

Mariana has to coach Evan through asking employees for help while it's getting increasingly harder to prevent telling them they used to date.

Dennis feels out of place at the hangout.

The Coterie try to help Malika troubleshoot, preventing police oversight to address the community concerns. She gets someone on the council to vote on her behalf.

Everyone at Speculate is watching Evan's message, and some are actually investing in him.

The evil manager tells the employees about Evan's memory issues to discourage them from giving up their stock and support the overtake of Speculate. Mariana tries to fend things off.

She gives an impassioned speech and explains what really happened to Evan and how he saved her.

Jeet offers to throw a party for the opening after they do a trial run menu tasting. Mabel asks Luca about Jeet because he's been acting weird.

Davia is not a fan when she hangs out with Jeet and they reminisce about college.

Davia and Dennis argue about each other hating the other's friends.

Luca hangs out with his dance crush and then heads back inside to work. She sees him working and leaves and cancels their get together later.

Joaquin and Mariana get a lead on Madison's case and wonder if she ever actually made it off the Farm at all.

Malika speaks about the policing provision and gets the support of the community for her bill. But her motion doesn't pass. Someone flips the vote.

Joaquin goes to talk tko the man who shot Evan and tells him he knows he had Madison's phone and was using it, but he wants to know where Madison is. He says he'll talk if Joaquin  does something for him.

Jack Hoss wants to be the next city council president and is in with the police, so he ensured that he didn't pass. Malika wants to leave because she doesn't like politics.

The dance teacher notices that there is tension between Luca and Riley, so she makes them battle each other in the dance competiion. He noticed when Riley left earlya fter seeing him work.

Mariana tells Evan that they got the 101 votes. But Evan is trying to figure out why he invested in BB after they sued him and  why he went looking for her at the farm.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Evan: Mariana, why did I go to that Farm looking for you? The real reason.
Mariana: You went to the Farm because we used to be in a relationship.
Evan: A relationship.
Mariana: A romantic relationship.
Evan: And we aren't or weren't anymore.
Mariana: No.
Evan: What happened?
Mariana: It just... didn't work out.

Evan: Why do I feel as if I can't say no to you?
Mariana: Because you know it's a good idea.