Homemade Gifts are the Best
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Ashley lands in Idaho after a five-hour flight to find out her partner and coworker poached her client. At the same time, Scott is getting a Dear John call from his girlfriend, too.

Ashley goes for as much chocolate as she can carry for solace, while Scot goes for a four-pack. Both wind up at the checkout counter at the same time. What a cute airport set - it looks like the inside of a plane.

When Ashley is polite, Scott thinks it opens the conversation door. He’s wrong, but now we know he’s a hockey player traded to the middle of nowhere. She tells him to be so sure. They love their hockey.

Scott suggests she come to a game before he’s moved on the fast track to Boise and the NHL. She smirks.

Her sister and sister-in-law pick her up at the airport. The only excitement in Idaho Falls has been a new water treatment plant.

The family keeps asking about Trevor, but she doesn’t have the heart to tell them what’s going on.

Scott is totally out of his element in the small town, and it gets worse when the assistant coach associates him with his dad, a two-time Stanley Cup winner. Pierre calls Scott an old man, and they almost come to blows.

Ashley finds her dad a the family shop, filled with Christmas items. She skirts the issue of Trevor with Dad, too, but he’s excited Trevor isn’t there so she can go to the hockey game with the family.

Scott is 32, an age he shares with Pierre bugs him about it again. They’re the Fighting Trouts. Haha

Scott goes to great lengths not to fit in when he tries to get out of holiday duty, admitting he’s not much of a holiday guy. He’s not winning friends and influencing people! If he’s not a team player, then he won’t get promoted. Period.

The lady at the airport switched credit cards, and Ashey can’t pay for the fresh wreath. Scott isn’t doing well financially. But with the guys, he tries to pay for drinks, and he discovers the same thing she did.

The Fighting Trouts aren’t winning. As her family wonders about her switched debit card, Scott is in a scuffle on the ice, and she gets his attention -- and since he’s not paying attention on the ice, he gets slammed.

Of course, neither of them has the other's card since the joints kept them!

He’s impressed and flattered by how much she knows about hockey. She intrigues him, says the smile on his face.

At the Christmas tree lot, when he can’t get his card back without ID, Ashley whips out the Flying Trout's team page, and Scott finds out people love their hockey in Idaho Falls. When they leave, they share stories, discovering they’re pretty much on the same page career-wise and with relationships.

When they catch and decide to share a cab, they discover they’re both staying at her parents’ place. He’s in the guest cottage.

Ashley gets up early to do some business. They’ve got to run. There is a cider event! When Scott shows up in a hoodie, he sees everyone else is all dressed up. At least it’s Ashley’s dad who is running the event at their shop. James finds Scott a jacket in the back.

A part of the Fighting Trouts team is part of the Deroux family, too.

Scott’s first tea table belongs to Ashely and her family. He’s really good with Ashley’s niece, which impresses them all.

The toothless player is totally into the cider social and doesn’t appreciate Scott’s lack of enthusiasm.

Ashley accompanies her sister to show a house, and she gives her some incredible tips on how to sell the place.

When a kid is flinging the puck all over the rink, Scott steps in to give him some pointers. He’s so going to be their next coach!

Later, Pierre asks Scott for similar help.

Ashley admits to her sister that she doesn’t love being in the city as much as she thought she would. She also tells her that they broke up too. But that’s not her sister. Hmmm. Who is that?

Parker is playing at the outside rink, where Scott has been directed to get some more ice time. Parker asks Scott to be on his team. Scott is like, what? But he has some fun.

Ashley arrives after the game and joins Scott on the ice. Scott’s dad never went to his games or anything, and the man taught him that to make it in hockey, you can’t let anything distract you, including your family. Ashley understands that. She never gave herself a chance to visit her family once she left.

He wonders why she doesn’t move back home if she misses it. She thinks that her parents gave up too much so she could leave and wouldn’t want to disappoint them.

When a right wing in Boise gets hurt, Scott thinks he’s moving up, but the kid he taught to maneuver the puck gets called up instead. The coach has seen how he’s been helping the younger guys, and he appreciates it. He also needs him to step in to coach the kids’ hockey game tomorrow.

Ashley finally tells her parents about Trevor, and they’re super supportive.

At the children’s game, Ashley tells Scott to coach the kids like he always wished his dad had coached him. The red team wins, and everyone is thrilled.

Ashley asks Scott to dinner. Sure. They’re not hiding from one another, which is nice from a Hallmark movie.

She warns him off of her grandma’s eggnog, and he feels odd saying not to anyone who offers him something if he’s invited somewhere. After dinner, everyone escapes the eggnog, but now he feels obligated. Everyone watches like he’s getting ready to drink warm mushed worms, and he definitely hates it. Grandma says, finally someone doesn’t get all worried about that salmonella.

Grandma has even given him a hand-knitted scarf. It’s his first-ever homemade gift.

James comes in with a basket of Christmas decorations. He wants Ashely and Scott to decorate the tree out front. When she was little and hated tossing the tree, Dad said they’d have one every year if they planted one, and they still decorate it now.

The real estate girl is Becca. Ashley likes selling something to someone who is looking to start a family or make new memories rather than being thrilled to get a good deal. Becca talks about someone retiring. Maybe they can start a team themselves.

Coach gives Scott the book that changed his life. He thinks Scott should consider coaching. Scott doesn’t want to become a coach, but Coach says it isn’t something you become. It’s who you are. Scott isn’t ready to give up being called up. Coach wonders if he’s still having fun wearing the jersey or if he’s more interested in impressing someone else. He’s got a home coaching the Flying Trout if he wants it.

At the next Christmas event, there is a Merry Fishmas game, and it’s adorable. They fish for fish Christmas ornaments among the regular bulbs. Dave keeps bumping into Scott, but he still catches the winning fish, giving a big WOOO into Dave’s face.

Scott asks Ashley if she thinks he has what it takes to get to Boise. He wonders if he is being delusional or if he should consider other options. When he says coaching, Ashley’s face lights up. Scott says it would be nice to settle down somewhere. As they’re talking, Ashley gets a call from a hotel that is looking for a real estate agent. They want her to be there by the 23rd. If she can make it happen, they’ll have three new buildings in the new year.

Scott is making his first gingerbread house ever when Ashley tells him about the hotel. She’s not sure if she wants to rush back there right now. He wonders if she has to decide this second. Nope. Good. They need to get their gingerbread on.

The next day, it’s an impromptu snowball fight in the street. He has to get to practice, but he’s never built a snowman before.

There is a new right wing on the team. Briggs gets called to the office again. Everyone knows he’s getting cut. He’s been cut before. He just needs to walk in there and face the music like a man. But then he learns that he’s replacing Zetner. Scott is going to Boise while Zetner grows a little.

That will seal the deal on whether Ashley goes back to sell the hotel. Her sister says she recognizes the stress in her life and how she’s never with a guy who is good enough for her. She deserves to be somewhere like home, surrounded by good people and sipping hot chocolate. Then, she learns that Scott is leaving. She’s shocked.

Ashley heads to the guest house. She tells him she’s flying back to New York. They’re both so silly. They excitedly share their news and future with each other while each really wants to pull back and stay because they’ve just found their person.

Ashley hangs the ornament fish Scott caught on the tree before telling her parents she’s afraid of disappointment. She would never do that, they promise. They just want her to be happy.

Scott is reading the coaching book he got from his coach when he sees his dad being interviewed about his latest award. The creep thanks his “family,” which doesn’t include his actual son but a bunch of players. His disappointment is all over his face.

Ashley is back at the gift shop at the airport. As she looks at “Being Alone at Christmas” on the cover of an article, she finds Scott right behind her. He’s found the perfect team right here. His dream was to prove to himself that he was just as good as his dad.

Thanks to her and her crazy family, he’s realized he doesn’t need to play hockey to do that. He took the coaching job. Maybe he could see her again next Christmas. She laughs. He took a job with the hope he could see her once a year. Well, maybe that’s not the only reason. So many good benefits. They kiss. Those are some really good benefits.


Hallmark Channel
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