Family Bonding - Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 4
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The man with the keycard, whom Hilde believes is following her, turns up behind her while she’s getting a drink from a vending machine at the gas station. She believes he’s there to intimidate her. Hilde tells him she’s not afraid, and she won’t stop until she gets answers. He just walks away.

Bridget and Matt worry because Hilde is convinced that if she gets answers about the pond, it will help cure Sylvester, and they know that probably won’t happen.

Sylvester is still renting out a boat slip at the marina. Matt, with Frank’s help, decides to fix up the boat.

Sylvester has an old photo of a bunch of his buddies from years ago. Matt tries to track them down for a get-together but finds that most of them, other than Junior Johnson, are dead.

Stratatech Industries made an anonymous donation to the Pinewood Pond cleanup, but Hilde asks Grant Williams, the CEO, why it was paved over instead of cleaned. He says that’s how the town of Erie Harbor wanted it done.

Grant has read many of Hilde’s articles, even the one on ethical treatment of animals in pet stores, which she thought no one read. Turns out, Grant made an anonymous donation to the local animal shelter after reading it.

Izzy’s missing Jessica, but Emma claims egged the school with Jessica and Izzy so she can get detention with Izzy. Then, just as the two girls begin to bond, Ethan returns to Erie Harbor for good.

Frank Jr. sees Kim at a restaurant with another man. When he texts to ask how she’s doing, she claims to be at the school. Kim later admits she went on a job interview for another school district. Frank is upset that she didn’t tell him.

Hilde drops her camera and breaks the lens. Sylvester gives her his camera until she can get it fixed, but it’s a film camera. Matt helps her develop the film. She realizes that the symbol she saw at the Woodruff mansion is also on the sidewalks around town.

Hilde, Donny, and Spoon sneak back into the mansion, where they find an old, wrecked airplane in the basement. They try to steal the black box from the plane but hide when the mysterious man with the keycard arrives once again.

Home Before Dark
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Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Grant: I've actually been meaning to reach out to you about pitching an article to your paper. You see, we're working on trying to become one of the greenest companies in the Pacific Northwest and, well, I thought maybe you'd let the town know about some of our new initiatives.
Hilde: We don't do puff pieces.

Seriously, Hilde, you're like some old person's Reddit feed but like inside my house. Didn't you just make a bunch of people happy because you cleaned up some pond? Can't you just, I don't know, enjoy that for the next ten full seconds before you move on to the next conspiracy?
