In the Woods - Home Before Dark
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Bridget agrees to work from home and watch Ginny and Sylvester so Matt and Hilde can take the boat and check out the island. However, when Bridget has to leave and run to the office to sign for an important package, Izzy gets left in charge.

Frank Jr. captains the boat with Matt, Hilde, Donny, and Spoon. They spot some sort of barrier in the water, but there’s been so much rain that the water levels have risen, and they’re able to pilot the boat over it. Once they get to the island, Matt tells the kids to stay on the beach with the boat until he and Frank make sure it’s safe.

Hilde uses Donny’s drone to follow Matt and Frank so she can see what they see, but it suddenly falls from the sky and dies. Donny says it may be a GEO fence. It may have hit a no-fly zone on the island.

Matt and Frank find a large pipe that’s been laid across the island. Frank thinks he sees someone else in the woods.

The kids trek into the woods to find the drone and realize they are lost, and the walkie-talkies have stopped working. They find an old bunker. When they hear thunder, they go inside and find an old, abandoned lab. It appears they had been animal testing there because there are skulls, tanks, and x-rays of animals left behind.

When Donny realizes that Hilde has been following a map to find out what Sam’s Dad saw, all while telling him they were searching for his Dad’s drone, he and Spoon get upset and walk out. When Hilde goes to follow them and apologize, she finds they’ve disappeared.

Matt and Frank get back to the boat and find the kids are gone. They find Donny and Spoon, but not Hilde.

Hilde finds Frank Sr. in the woods. Frank always thought Sam’s father crashed his plane on purpose. Now he’s trying to make it right. Frank Sr. and Hilde find pieces of plane wreckage.

Matt, Frank Jr., and the kids find Frank Sr. and Hilde. Then, they all hear a helicopter. When they follow the sound, they find a field full of industrial barrels by a pond. The pollution from the corroded barrels is contaminating this water, and it’s running into the lake, which helps provide Erie Harbor’s drinking water.

Back home, Emma admits she was avoiding Izzy because she likes Izzy as more than a friend, and she knows that Izzy is with Ethan. Izzy doesn’t know how to respond.

Sylvester and Ginny sneak out on Izzy. Sylvester thinks Ginny is a young Matt and that they will see Jane, Sylvester’s late wife. Bridget and Izzy find them at a long-closed Italian restaurant. Sylvester is in tears.

Home Before Dark
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Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Matt: Think it could be a hunter?
Frank: No way. If you think that looks like a hunter, you’ve been in the city too long.

Hilde: Dad, do you think the reporters at The Boston Globe said, “I’m sorry. I can’t interview this priest. I can’t crack the story of a generation because I have to go walk my dog?”
Matt: Wait, I told you not to watch that movie.