L - Sister Harriet - Hunters Season 2 Episode 2
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In Austria, Sister Harriet poses as a caretaker to the children of an ex-Nazi. She kills him by stabbing him in the heart.

Jonah informs Millie of the information that he has fallen into. She doesn't believe him at first, but then he convinces her.

Lonny is promoting his film in Argentina. We learn he has developed a taste for hard drugs, cocaine especially. Millie and Jonah find him.

Roxy is working as an artist creating fake Van Goughs in Paris. Millie and Jonah find her.

Mindy is in New York. They find her. They also track down Sister Harriet in Vienna.

In 1975, Meyer burned the threatening letter after eliminating the threat. He also meets Joe for the first time.

In 1975, Travis walked into a bakery and made a scene making everyone uncomfortable and scared.

The hunters are back together and set their eyes on an Argentinian official who could lead them to The Colonel, who could lead them to Hitler.

Meyer gives Joe purpose after manipulating him. As the first hunter.

Travis found his way to Argentina in 1979. He kills the two guys who smuggled him in.

Every hunter gets their role in the hunt for Klaus -- the Argentinian official.

Jonah's fiancée stumbles across an address on his notepad and grows suspicious.

Travis finds the whereabouts of Hitler's residence and reunites with The Colonel.

The hunter's mission goes awry when a mysterious player enters the game and captures them all.

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Hunters Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Millie: You don't really believe...
Jonah: He claimed Hitler fled Europe via ratline and was living down in South America.
Millie: And what proof did he have?
Jonah: We met the proof.
Millie: The Colonel? Bullshit.

Sister Harriet: What'll it be? Suffocation? Strangulation? Skull up the a**?
Jonah: I love it when you try to flirt.