L - Sister Harriet - Hunters Season 2 Episode 3
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The Hunters find themselves in someone's custody. Chava is their captor. She is also looking for Hitler and has been using them as bait to get to Klaus. They learn that Sister Harriet has betrayed them.

On being interrogated, Klaus reveals that he doesn't know where Hitler is, but someone called The Crow knows where he might be.

Chava reveals that she is Ruth's sister -- Jonah's grandmother.

Jonah tests her first and then believes that she is Ruth's sister. He then that he agrees to work with her as a team.

The team has information on where to find The Crow. The team gets their tasks in the hotel where their meeting is supposed to occur.

Emotions run high between Chava and Jonah during dinner on account of Chava never reaching out to Jonah even after Ruth dies. George notices that Lonny is struggling with drugs.

The ladies find The Crow's security and take him out to leave The Crow exposed. Ava and Jonah play an elimination game to discover who The Crow might be.

Meyer is on the hunt for people who know his true identity. He finds another ex-Nazi with a folder containing information about his former life and kills him.

The ladies take out The Crow's security in the hotel but not with ease. It alerts security of trouble. George and Lonny follow a man who picks up the briefcase and finds themselves in trouble. They are nearly killed before George steps up.

Lonny is high off his mind.

Jonah follows The Crow into the women's bathroom and kills her taking her purse. He finds train tickets to a certain destination where they suspect Hitler is.

Millie realizes that she lost the bullet casing of the bullet she killed the bishop with.

Jonah's girlfriend finds him in Argentina.

Hitler learns that The Hunters are in Argentina. He sends Joe to find them.

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Hunters Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Jonah: I-I'm not taking orders from you, Auntie. Remember, the only reason why we're here right now is because I found Klaus.
Chava: Oh, right. You're Herr Leader now. You murdered Meyer to become boy king.
Jonah: I murdered The Wolf and thwarted a Fourth Reich in America.

Chava: I know she lives in you.
Jonah: Who?
Chava: Ruth.
Jonah: You ... didn't know my safta
Chava: Ruth was my sister.
Jonah: Ruth's sister died in the camps.
Chava: Well... then I must be a ghost.