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It's time for the high school class camping trip. Jane asks Nick to be her camping buddy, but her job gets in the way and she has to cancel. India asks Gray to let her go to Beverly Hills to scout the new store and wants to take Jane with her. Gray wants Jane to go to spy on India, which caused Jane to have to skip out on the camping trip. Lulu and Billy get back together, but when she pressures him to pick her over Jane they break up. Lulu and Nick are distressed about their relationships with Billy and Jane and end up kissing ... more than once. Billy sees them. In Beverly Hills, Jane finds out that India was meeting with Gray's competitor Ron. She finds out that Gray and Ron are married. When Gray asks Jane if anything suspicious happened, she doesn't reveal India's meeting with Ron. Ben becomes curious about Jane's internship and shows up at Donovan and Decker. He talks with Jeremy and finds out Jane is in Beverly Hills and is Gray's assistant and not an intern.

Jane By Design
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Jane By Design Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

I like the new, old look.


Sex ed classes are not supposed to be fun. I suggest you make it as awkward as possible.
