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On Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 9, Christmas came early for the Kardashian-Jenner crew, who dedicate all of their time toward decorating their homes and preparing for the upcoming holidays, but not without their fair share of drama.

Kim, determined to have the most "original" Christmas, goes a little overboard and drives everyone crazy by demanding nobody "steal her vibe" or talk about what they're doing so there's no "copying," like Kourtney did to her last Christmas. However, Kim takes advantage of this and Kris "accidentally" ends up with a fake list of what Kim is doing for the holiday to decorate and set up.

Kim had Jeff Leatham's assistant "accidentally" send Kris a list of things to overdo for Christmas so Kim can have her "original" no-vibes-stolen Christmas that she's been trying so hard to have this year.

Meanwhile, Khloe is upset that Kris' "divine" lemon cake comes from a box and has never been homemade in her life, so she challenges Kris to a baking competition, and the two compete to win for best dessert. Khloe makes a strawberry-blackberry cobbler and cinnamon rolls, while Kris makes her "famous" lemon cake and brownies, leading Kris to defeat.


Keeping Up with the Kardashians
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