Hunting a Serial Killer - Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 6
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Bonner gives a press conference saying that they have nine victims and can't give details on who they are. She denies that the killer(s) are local.

Stabler comforts Rita's friend, who sobs and hugs him upon hearing about Rita's death.

Bonner examines a ringing cell phone and sees it's a message from the killer.

Stabler goes to the beach and puts a rosary into Rita's book before throwing it on a bonfire.

Stabler dreams about Kathy's death and that of his CI.

In the morning, STabler checks in with Jet and Reyes and asks Jet to sneakily get the ME report. He hangs up when Jet reminds him of the IAB meeting.

Bonner's father makes a speech that she will do what's right as some things need to stay buried. She tell shim she needs help. He tells her it's the biggest case but she has to protect the community.

Stabler questions Chrstine who says she has nothing else to tell him. Stabler asks her about the burner phone. She says driving home from the party, she discovered it. She answered it and the guy said he saw her at the party and was leaving. He asked her to meet him. She went home first and her mom wouldn't let her go out and they got in a fight and she stormed out. Meeting the guy at Audrey's was the lasts thing she remembered,

AA cop tells Stabler Bonner is looking for him.

Reyes looks at the medical reports. Shah shows up and says this isn't their case. Jet says that Stabler saved Rita and now she's dead. Shah says Stabler didn't save her so they have to find the people responsible. That confuses Reyes.

Bonner tells Stabler about the text on the burner phone. Logan is obnoxious and Bonner sends him to get coffee. Bonner needs to know about the killer.

Stabler says he thinks the guy has more than one personality. The killer is shy until he finds prey and then he becomes charming, and then later a monster.

Bonner takes Stabler to the ME's office where the ME shows him symbolic wounds on the victims, which imitate stigmata. There is also a small laceration on a victim in the shape of one of these fish that symbolize Christianity.

Jet shows Bonner video. Bonner says she knows these men and they aren't suspects and this won't hold up in court. Stabler hangs up and confronts her about this. She says she's protecting this town. She has history with these people. Five generations of Bonners and she loves this town.

Heidi is afraid to go home. She has a feeling no one cares about the dead girls or about her. She can't sleep. She's too scared. Stabler asks if she has anyone to call. Only Rita. Her family would hang up on her. Stabler knows someone who can help.

Bonner has dinner with her father and has no appetite. He says he knows what she's going through but she doesn't remember him dealing with serial killers. She doubts there will be justice for the dead women. He says they made b ad choices. She tells him about the religious symbol. She asks him about the beach house parties. He's heard rumors and doesn't know anything more. She asks if he knows her brother went. He asks if Cahill is connected. She doesn't know.

Stabler asks the journalist about the town. He says Westbrook is a model community for some, but for everyone else it's Bonnerville.Bonner has the town council under his thumb and his daughter as police chief. Bonner calls and says forensics found something.

Heidi comes to see Jet.

Bonner's evidence shows that Cahill is now the commodore of a yacht club.

Bonner goes to the cabin and confronts Eric about the beach parties. He claims he only went once and had a rum and Coke.

Heidi compliments Jet's cooking and Jet calls her a liar. They have a sort of heart to heart. Heidi says she got started with seex work as a short term thing but it's lasted six years. But she's done now that Rita is dead. Jet promises to find the killer. Heidi has no faith in cops (though she seems to trust Stabler).

Shah calls and demands Jet finds Stabler and bring him to his IAB meeting. She tells Heidi to make herself at home but keep the door locked.

Bonner's father interferes with an itnerrogation of Cahill and tells Stabler to go back to the city where he belongs and that folks at 1PP want him. (How does he know that?)

Stabler looks bored during his IAB meeting. He says Stabler's behavior is like his father's. Stabler asks what they are doing.  IAB asks if Stabler is covering things up. Stabler says he hasn't asked him a question. IAB seems to be biased as usual.

Someone hits Heidi with a pipe.

Jet comes home and sees the mess. Heidi is missing.

Stabler issues orders and tells Bonner that Heidi was kidnapped. Maybe the killer is trying to connect. Maybe he can get him talking. He calls the killer who claims in a distorted voice he knows nothing and hangs up when Bonner interjects.

Reyes goes to see Jet who is upset and says she did find a car turning down her street that looks like Cahill's.

Bonner and Stabler go to Cahill's hideout and look for him. Cahill is dead. No sign of Heidi anywhere. Bonner recalls Cahill bought a party boat.

The cops rush over looking for Heidi. Stabler hears thumping and muffled sobbing. He finds Heidi bound and gagged under a trap door.

Heidi is rescued and put on a stretcher. Jet tells her flowers are nothing but trouble. Heidi feels better now. She  tells Stabler she went to buy Jet flowers and was coming back to the apartment and someone hit her.

Jet finds Reyes packing. He's taking a leave of absence. Jet asks if it is because of them. He says no, it's because of him. Hew went off the rails when Jamie died.He signed divorce papers this morning. He needs to be with his kids.

Stabler and Bonner meet. She tells him nice work. But she admits she doesn't like Cahill for this either.

Boinner asks Eric if he has something to say to him. Eric says he got a job in the city and wants to stay at the condo. Bonner says you did hear about Cahill, though? He says Eric should thank him.



Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

We have dead bodies in cold st orage and you're telling me my job is to protect the reputation of this town?


Stabler: They're trying to spin this whole thing, saying there's no way there's a local.
Reyes: Maybe it's bad for business.