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Miguel continues to assert his innocence while under arrest in the hospital. His lawyer shows up and tells SVU to stop questioning him.

Benson is convinced Miguel raped Lourdes, but Stone believes it's a case of mistaken identity. When Benson learns that Jorge Diaz died on the operating table, Stone says he has to charge Lourdes with murder. Benson is upset because she feels the victim is on trial instead of the perpetrator. In addition, Miguel is connected to the Mexican drug cartel and she believes that Lourdes' life will be in danger in jail because of it.

Stone refuses to listen to Benson. He says he offered a deal and Lourdes didn't take it.

Lourdes' employers hire a lawyer for her. At their house, they see a photo of Lourdes with two other nannies. Lourdes at first refuses to ID the other nanny but Benson says it's the only way to get justice. The other nanny, Maria, claims not to recognize Miguel. Benson thinks she is scared to tell the truth. Stone thinks Miguel is innocent.

Lourdes' trial begins. Miguel takes the stand. He claims he never saw Lourdes before and that she kidnapped and hurt him for no reason. On cross, Rojas implies that Miguel is a criminal because he entered the US illegally when he was 8 months old and that there is no reason to believe his claim not to know Lourdes.

A man threatens Stone in a bar, saying he will hurt Pamela if Stone doesn't drop the charges. Stone pursues the case against Lourdes relentlessly anyway and doesn't tell Benson of the threats until after he treats her as a hostile witness. He is sure Pamela is fine because he alerted local police.

Benson sends Fin to check things out and it is found that Pamela has been kidnapped. LOurdes insists she knows nothing. Benson questions Miguel. At first he insists he has nothing to do with any illegal activity. Eventually he admits he trafficked girls. He drove them over the border and put them in a warehouse. He tells Stone where the wearhouse is.

The cops try to keep Stone back. Diego is holding Pamela at gunpoint.

Pamela tries to walk forward when she sees Stone. There is a gun battle. At the end, both Diego and Pamela have been shot. Pamela dies.

Benson tells Lourdes that Stone will cut a deal with her and she will go into Witness Protection. She tells her that she is free now.

Stone is depressed about his sister's death. Benson holds him while he cries.

Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 23 Quotes

Benson: The hospital just called.
Stone: Jorge Diaz?
Benson: Died on the operating table. What does this mean for Lourdes?
Stone: I have to charge her with murder.

Lourdes: I didn't want any of this. I didn't ask for any of this.
Stone: You could have walked away.
Lourdes: I can never walk away. They said that if I run, they'll kill me.