Election - Loki Season 1 Episode 5
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Loki wakes up in The Void with variant versions of himself looming over him. There's a creature named Alioth there that is a living tempest that consumes matter and energy, so they run away.

At the TVA, Sylvie takes Ravonna's TemPad. Ravonna tells her that Loki isn't really dead, he was just sent to a void like the other pruned variants. But, nothing ever comes back from there.

Ravonna tells Sylvie that the end of time is still being written and that the Time Keepers are transforming it into a utopia.

Ravonna tells Sylvie that she can help her get Loki back and they can figure out who the Time Keepers really are. Sylvie gives her back her TemPad.

Kid Loki tells Loki that he killed Thor, which caused a nexus event and is the reason why he is in The Void. The Loki variants take Loki to their hideout.

Ravonna betrays Sylvie and calls in guards. Sylvie prunes herself.

Loki tries to leave the hideout to go kill Alioth, but he's met by more Loki variants.

Sylvie wakes up to Alioth trying to kill her. Mobius arrives in a getaway car, and Sylvie jumps in.

Boastful Loki betrayed them and led the other variants to the hideout. He believed he would now be king, but the variants have other ideas. They all end up turning on one another. A fight ensues.

Loki, Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki escape. They agree to help Loki takedown Alioth.

Sylvie and Mobius head back to Alioth because they believe it may be the answer to getting out of The Void. They find Loki.

Sylvie explains that she believes that whoever is behind all of this is beyond the end of time, or The Void. Alioth is just their guard dog.

Sylvie and Loki give Mobius the TemPad. He goes back to the TVA, while the Loki variants go back to their hideout. Loki and Sylvie stay back to face Alioth.

Loki distracts Alioth while Sylvie tries to enchant the creature, but it doesn't work. Classic Loki comes back to help. He sacrifices his life while creating an illusion of Asgard.

Loki and Sylvie successfully enchant Alioth together.

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Loki Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Classic Loki: Gotta keep moving so we don't die.
Loki: I can get behind that, but what's your plan?
Classic Loki: Don't die.
Loki: Okay, understood, but beyond that?
Classic Loki: Don't die.
Loki: Don't die isn't a plan. It's a general demand of living.

Ravonna: When we prune a branched reality, it's impossible to destroy all of its matter. So we move it to a place on the timeline where won't continue growing. Basically, the branched timeline isn't reset. It's transferred.
Sylvie: To where?
Ravonna: A void at the end of time. Where every instance of existence collides at the same point and simply stops.