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Don's still driving and he's pulled over by the police. It's a dream and he's in a motel room somewhere.

Pete is with his daughter and takes her to an orchard where she gets stung by a bee. Trudy wishes her friends wouldn't keep reminding her about her failed marriage all the time.

Don is talking to Sally on the phone. He has been in Wyoming and he's in Kansas but it heading back toward the Grand Canyon. He seems to be going in circles. 

Betty is at school, walking up the stairs unable to breathe. She falls down and wrecks her pride.

Pete runs into Duck in the elevator. Don's gone, rumors that he's left a couple mission behind are going around. Duck needs to fill a position and wants Pete's help so he can live until he gets a permanent position.

Don's car stalls.

The doctor doesn't want to talk to Betty without her husband. When Henry and Betty leave the hospital, Henry is calling the doctor a quack. He says she's going to be just fine and they're going to sue that quack, grabbing the pills out of her hands and tossing them in the backseat.

At the motel, Don makes friends with the owner who is willing to share their roast as room service.

Pete's trying to sell Lear Jet on Duck getting the job. In a way, Pete's also selling himself on the job. 

Betty has lung cancer. It's spread from her lung to her lymph nodes. She may have nine months to a year to live. 

The maid enters Don's room. Don's reading and he asks the kid to get him a bottle. 

Duck is still trying to sell Pete.

Henry wants to do something and wants Betty to stop being morose. Betty wants to figure out what to tell the kinds and for Henry to stop yelling at her.

Don gets his bottle and settles in to watch TV until it dies. Don is invited to the Legion on Saturday night. 

Pete asks Trudy to come with him on the job interview. It was so obvious. She says no.

Henry goes to see Sally to deliver bad news. When he tells Sally, she covers her ears. 

The motel owner wants Don to stay to go to the Legion. His wife caught him being handy and he's hoping maybe he can fix the coke machine, too.

Sally goes home and Betty walks away.

Pete and his brother are out at dinner. His brother is preparing on his wife. Pete assures him his sister in law knows about the cheating and his brother heads off to make a call

Don's very uncomfortable talking about Korea with other guys who were there. Then a woman starts to jump out a cake. Not a comely woman.

Duck works out a deal that can pretty much get Pete what he wants out of McCann.

Betty has a quick chat with Sally, tells her she's going back to school in the morning because she's not alarming her brothers and gives her an envelope with instructions for after her death. She knows Henry won't be able to hold it together when she dies and death happens very quickly.

At the motel, the vets have decided that Don stole their money. They're beating him up and taking his car. He probably stole it anyway.

Pete goes to see Trudy at 4am. He wants her and Tammy to come with him, go to Wichita and be a family again. He says all the right things and he doesn't stumble over his words. He wins his wife back.

The "maid" brings Don a bottle and some ice, not upset that he stole the money from the bastard who burned his own house down. Don demands he go get the money. It's not the way to start your life, especially when you can never go back. 

Betty gets ready to go to school and Sally reads the note, knowing she'll never see her mother alive again. 

Don gives the money to the motel owner and takes off, giving the kid a ride to the bus stop. He tells the kid the pink slip is in the glove compartment and not to screw this up and gets out. He'll take the bus home.


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Mad Men Season 7 Episode 13 Quotes

I'm afraid Duck Philips has tricked me into a job interview. I stand by my analysis, but I'm happy where I am.


Let's take it a night at a time. I'm an optimist.
