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Russell freaks about about his coalition falling apart on election night, and the State Senior Staff heads out to an old haunt to await the results. Daisy has broken up with Oliver, and is flirting with Matt. Her ex shows up with Mike K. Daisy ends up leaving with him, much to Matt's dismay. Nadine wakes up in bed with Mike the next morning, and Elizabeth cottons on when she hears the dog barking over the phone.

On election day, Walter Nowack calls Elizabeth. Three of Irans nuclear scientists have landed in Russia, not far from an atomic plant. Upon further investigation, Elizabeth recognizes the name of a secret banker in charge of making large loans on behalf of the Irani government has also recently arrived in that town. The team figures out that the scientists were buying centrifuges, which Iran will need for the next step towards nuclear armament. Dalton agrees to intercept the Russian ship heading to Iran, causing Russell to freak out about the election implications. Two Russian sailors are killed when the Marines board the vessel. The Russian government refuses to acknowledge that the centrifuges were being sent to Iran, saying that the CIA fabricated the evidence. Henry points out that if the government had been in on the sale, they would have had a better cover story in place. Elizabeth goes back to the Russian with a plan that allows them to save face in exchange for them agreeing to not veto sending in the IAEA inspectors to Iran. While all of this is going on, Russell sends Elizabeth to speak to a group of congressmen and women about switching their support from Reynolds to Dalton. They agree only if Elizabeth can manage a peaceful resolution to the Iran situation before the January 6th deadline. Russell, Dalton, and Elizabeth gather to watch the feed of the inspection. The Republican Guard is at the plant and the feed gets cut off just after the order to pull the inspectors out goes through.

Jason is acting like a little twerp, wearing a Reynolds tee on election day mainly to piss off his parents. He later goes to a rally, and makes a youtube video in support of the Reynolds revolution. Henry makes him take it down, pointing out that Jason doesn't really know what the man's policies are. He later takes Jason to the site of an early labor strike where bricklayers marched for an 8 hour work day amongst other demands. He tells him that he is gifted with an ability to communicate and a quick mind, but that until he finds a passion outside of himself, he should listen and learn more. 

Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Elizabeth: If Jason genuinely believes that Reynolds would make a better president, I don't have a problem with him wearing it.
Henry: No matter how obnoxious and disrespectful it may be.

Elizabeth: Thing is...I just don't want a nineteen year old zoning our neighborhood.
Henry: We could end up with a bunch of juice bars and artisanal vape shops.