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Higgins is looking for the dogs on the beach while Magnum is rowing on the beach.

The dogs show up with a human bone.

TC is getting his hair cut by the original TC! Rick has a job for them.

Magnum and Higgins hunt for the bones. They find them. Magnum calls Katsumoto. Katsumoto is upset because he knows who the bones belong to.

TC and Rick are chauffering Tina around and find out some interesting information.

Katsumoto tells Magnum the story of Stanley, his partner that was killed. His chief takes him off the case.

Tina meets her daughter and is rejected.

Higgins is researching the case for Magnum. He tries to get Katsumoto involved and finds that he's already working the case but Katsumoto doesn't want any help.

Rick wants to know why she waited so long to come back and see her daughter.

Katsumoto and Magnum still work the case while trouble finds TC and Rick.

Magnum gets knocked out when he finds more bones, but Katsumoto finds him. The other bones are gone.

TC goes to talk to Kelsey about Tina. Kelsey visits Tina.

Magnum and Katsumoto figure out who killed Stanley. They go chasing after the kid who committed the murder. Katsumoto interrogates the kid and finds out it was an accident.

Stanley gets a funeral. 

Magnum is at the barber shop and leaves because he has a date with Abby.

Bookie dances with Rick and TC.

Katsumoto is at Magnum's place and tells him he found Vanessa's remains. He also gives Magnum a gift and tells Magnum that Stanley never listened to orders and was a maverick...just like Magnum. The gift is Stanley's badges.






Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Any good detective will search for clues in the most unusual places.


If I'm right, Zeus may have just brought us a murder case.
