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Magnum identifies Greene's body at the morgue. The cops think Greene's death was accidental or a suicide. Magnum insists on an autopsy. Katsumoto has been hired last minute as security for Rae Song, a K-pop star. Higgins is helping Rick, whose liquor distributor had something stolen. Based on Thomas's hours, Rick has figured out that he's seeing somebody. They find Kona shot on the floor. Two men with guns confront them. Rae and Katsumoto have a frank talk about her life. Magnum ponders why the date on Greene's watch is so off. He also wonders why he can't reach Juliet or Rick. They're in the back of a van with Kona's body. The bodyguard Kwan badmouths Rae to Gordon. Katsumoto gets stabbed by a stalker going after Rae. Higgins convinces their captors to let them find the stolen item they're looking for. Magnum and T.C. discover Kona's trashed house. The captors call Thomas and tell him he needs to find the missing case of whiskey or else. Magnum finds the thief showing off the case on social media. Rae and her manager check in on Gordon. The man on social media posed with his client's whiskey and gives up the client's name. Childs tells Katsumoto that the suspect in Rae's attack escaped. Kwan tries to buy off Gordon with an envelope with $10,000 in it. He goes straight to Childs and explains that Kwan is Korean mafia. Rick and Juliet fail in their escape attempt. Thomas and T.C. secure the client and borrow the whiskey. The dead stalker belongs the same gang that owns Rae's label. Rae's manager told the mob that Rae was about to leave the label. Rae stays with Katsumoto. One of the captors stole and sold the whiskey. They shoot each other. Greene died from waterboarding. 

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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

If I don't like him, he's gone.

Rae [about Katsumoto]

T.C.: So what are you thinking?
Magnum: I don't know. Something's not right. I'm going to find out what it is.