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Sanchez narrates that a victim had blunt force trauma. Victim appears to have been killed by his car. Time of death is about 4:30 AM. He was a stockbroker. It is being investigated by Major Crimes because there was a similar crime a few days before. It was a road rage incident where someone was pulled out a car after cutting someone off in traffic. 

They can't tell if anything has been stolen. Provenza wants to interview wife. She refuses to leave the house and is with Amy. He asks Sanchez and Buzz to come with him.

Mrs. Palmer is in shock and appears to be cooking. She refuses to leave the house because family is coming tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Provenza asks her to go with Sykes, who promises her they'll take care of everything. Sanchez is given the duty of bringing Mr. Palmer's body to the morgue.

Provenza calls Sharon to the morgue.

ME confirms blunt force trauma, as well as a broken knee. Iron filings in head suggest crowbar or wrench. No defensive wounds and was probably hit by surprise.

Sharon asks Mrs. Palmer about the original fight. She says she heard an argument in the driveway as she was making a sandwich for her husband. She saw a man yelling and shoving her husband. She tried to get him away from her husband and he threw her to the ground and kicked her. Mr. Palmer tried to stop him. The guy ran off. Her husband took her to the hospital before calling the police. She can't really describe the attacker. She might recognize him but isn't sure. She remembers his rage. Her husband claimed not to know his attacker. She asked because sometimes when people lost money they'd get angry at him for being their broker.

Tao is searching the Palmers' emails. Buzz says no suspicious texts.

Provenza talks to a butcher who will save a ham for him. He takes off to get it.

There were some complaints against Palmer for sexual harassment and financial irregularities. He supposedly poached clients. Both complaints filed by the same person, Jordan Garcia, who may have also have sent a threatening email. 

Rusty is looking at Slider's interview and wondering if he deserves the death penalty. He agrees to show Flynn the parts Judge Grove will allow him to show. Flynn leaves the room. Rusty finds him passed out in the bathroom.

Provenza says the ham is in the fridge.

Jordan turns out to be a woman. She is very angry about Tom Palmer. She says she is outperforming Tom and she's not the only one who hates him.  Provenza gets a call from Rusty on Flynn's phone. Everyone is staring and not paying attention to the interview. Provenza tells Rusty to go to the hospital with Flynn's phone. He will get Sharon. Sharon goes to the hospital and promises to call Provenza if it's serious.

Rusty doesn't know anything. They are doing an MRI etc to check on what's going on with the blood clot. Rusty looks very nervous. He texts Provenza.

Everyone is glad it's not a stroke. Buzz is worried about the blood clot.

Back to the case. Jordan is a liar. She and her fiance are registered at Create & barrel and she said she wasn't married. Her fiance, Sam Curtis, matches the description of the suspect. and has a bloody knuckle.

Curtis says he doesn't know Tom Palmer and claims not to have ever seen him. But he says they postponed the wedding because Tom was bothering Jordan. He claims he's only heard her stories.

Sam's thumbprint is on the victim's vehicle. Sykes and Sanchez question him. 

Andy is moved to a room.  Tao sends him to St. Leo's while they do a lineup. Provenza tells Tao to arrest Curtis for the road rage incident, and tells Buzz to bring him his ham if he doesn't come back.

No updates on Flynn. Tao hopes that they can settle this quickly and go see him. Curtis' lawyer insists everyone wears gloves so that the bloody knuckles won't prejudice the witness.

The lineup is done by video. Mrs. Palmer stares itnently at each one. She asks them to hold on and closes her eyes, trying to remember when they get to #4.

Flynn says he never got lightheaded. He remembers bending down to get a toothbrush. The doctor is yelling that this can't be the first time he felt dizzy. Also the blood clot has moved closer to the brain as a result of the fall. She has to wait for the blood thinners to work before she can operate. She assumes Sharon is his wife.

Flynn doesn't want them to put the case on hold for him. The witness crossed out her ID and wrote "I'm sorry."

Tao theorizes that Curtis murdered Palmer to steal something from the trunk. Hobbs says she can charge him with the road rage, but no evidence for the murder. Chief wants it solved by midnight so he doesn't have to pay double time.

Jordan is reinterviewed and claims she didn't lie because she said she didn't have a boyfriend when the guy is her fiance. She insists Tom is not dead. She lets slip that Sam beat up Tom on his own. She insists the fight was it.

Sam is told that his fiancee placed him at the scene. He also seems surprised that Tom is dead. His lawyer won't let him talk. Hobbs thinks Jordan might have done the murder. Hobbs will offer him a deal on the first assault. Sharon wants to look at Tom's finances.

Provenza fills out paperwork. Flynn wants to see the interview instead. Rusty says Sharon doesn't want him to distract Flynn til the paperwork was done.

Flynn gets annoyed with Provenza making decisions for him. He says he is not dying. Rusty tries to put a stop to this. He gets a call from the county jail. Flynn asks Provenza to tell Sharon he loved her if he dies. Provenza tells him to write it down.

Sharon is not surprised that Mrs. Palmer revoked her ID of the suspect. She wants to talk to Jordan but her lawyer won't be there til Friday. Sharon tells her that Sam signed the agreement and she needs details of her job. She revokes her rights so she can answer questions about health insurance. She says the company gives them great health benefits and a package worth $2 million. Sharon leaves without explaining how that's relevant.

Sykes asks Mrs. Palmer about her credit card bills. There is a charge for an urgent care center for $1500, even though he had health insurance. She claims Tom didn't have his insurance card. She doesn't know what the emergency was. There was another one 4 months ago. She doesn't recall anything. She says nothing when asked about a third charge. Sharon asks her to sign a consent form so they can get the records. She doesn't want to. She is arrested.

Hobbs surmises Palmer was abusing his wife and that's why she doesn't want to talk. Hobbs wonders why they are giving this great defense to Mrs. Palmer. Sykes asks her if Sam's presence gave her the idea to murder her husband. Mrs. Palmer says she was at home when the fight started. She went outside after Sam left. She asked her husband if he wanted her to take him to the hospital and he shoved her to the ground and kicked her because she didn't call 911. The kicking was worse than usual. She thought she could put an end to this for good while the cops were looking for his attacker. She beat him to death with a crowbar. She needed to be sure.

Sharon asks her to write down her statement.

Hobbs says it's not manslaughter, nor self-defense. Sanchez asks what she was supposed to do?

Sharon asks why she didn't report the abuse and go to a shelter. She says she shouldn't have been the one to leave. She says she couldn't report him to the police as she would have been left with nothing. She had no choice but to do it this way. Hobbs says it's premeditated, but she'll wait til after Thanksgiving to try to figure out the charges.

The gang brings a Thanksgiving meal to Flynn.  The doctor comes in and tells him he can't eat because she has to operate right now. She kicks everyone out. Rusty tries to comfort Sharon. Hobbs comes to give her news about the case and sees Flynn being wheeled into surgery.




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Major Crimes Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

I think Mrs. Palmer is in shock. She has already signed the consent form giving us permission to search the house so I'm giving her a moment.


Well, it's a young man's game. Not a word.
