Ben Helps a Passenger - Manifest
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Saanvi and Dr. Gupta share their findings about the sapphire with Ben and Vance. 

They also inform them about the driftwood, which arrived from the Vatican, having traces of the same compound.

Saanvi realizes that the driftwood was found at Mount Arat, so it's believed to be a piece of Noah's Ark.

Vance informs Saanvi she cannot inform Ben about their findings.

Ben gets a Calling in which he sees several passenger photos going up in flames. 

Mick touches an Al-Zuras card of a volcano erupting and her hand is burned. 

They track down passenger Rachel only to find out her ex-husband remarried her sister, Hannah, while she was missing for five years. 

Mick's investigation reveals that Jonas was abusive to Rachel and is now doing the same to Hannah. 

Ben follows Jonas to Rachel's workplace and stops her from shooting him thus preventing her from destroying their "lifeboat" and dooming all passengers since their destinies are connected.

Mick learns Jared is dating Sarah, The Major's daughter.

Zeke senses that Mick is jealous over Jared's new squeeze. 

Cal has a crush on Stella.

Grace shops around for a property for her new cafe. 

Angelina gets too comfortable taking Olive's place and even tries on her clothes. 

Cal looks into Tarik's snowglobe and sees the volcano erupting. 

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Manifest Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Why do I get the impression that everyone we’ve talked to is either lying to us or to themselves.


Ben: I used to be a skeptic, too.
Only focused on science. But once you’ve been a part of enough miracles, you realize you need to give in and embrace the miracle. You need to believe what happened out there.
Doctor: I never said I didn’t believe you.