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  • The couples are back from the honeymoons and they talk to their friends and family, catching them up on things that have happened and their feelings about their spouses. 
  • Bennett's friend is concerned about him potentially relocating if Amelia has to move for her job. She doesn't like it. 
  • Miles sits down with Karen to get an idea of what she's thinking and where she stands in their relationship. 
  • the couples have house parties and invite their friends. 
  • When Christina starts an argument with Henry, she's surprised when he's suddenly more vocal than ever and he tells her about how impatient she is. 
  • She's annoyed with production and the filming and he doesn't care for how rude she is. 
  • At their party, Henry's friends share with Christina that Henry is a great guy and how he was the person who helped her through the hardest moment in her life. 
  • Christina's friends try to urge Henry to make more moves and be more affectionate. 
  • Woody and Amani get along with each other's friends and share all the details of their lives. 
  • Brett shows Olivia how to budget and cooks for her, and they come to a lovely compromise regarding their budgeting. 
  • Bennett and Amelia have a nice house party, and all of their friends get along. 
  • Christina makes dinner and she and Henry sit down to talk, but neither of them really answer the other's questions and she gets frustrated and talks to production. Henry leaves. 
Married at First Sight
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