Uh Oh - Marvel's Runaways Season 3 Episode 7
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Chase tries to take away Molly's phone and she throws him out of the room.

Karolina tries to blast the phone out of her hands but Molly ducks away at the last second. She tries to throw a bed at them.

Chase manages to knock the phone out of her hands and Karolina blasts it, releasing Molly from its spell.

Nico wakes up with the other witches. Robert tells Nico that Tina has been admitted to a mental hospital.

Nico can't remember the previous night. 

Morgan tells Nico that if she brings her the staff, she'll help to get Alex back.

Tina is being held and sedated by Morgan's followers. 

Nico returns to the hostel to get the staff. She tells Karolina that she is playing Morgan to get to Alex. Karolina gets mad and storms out.

Nico breaks her mom out of the hospital.

Karolina, Gert, Chase, and Molly make a video and try to broadcast it on Corvus phones to break its spell. It is intercepted by Morgan first.

Morgan gives Geoffery a necklace to help find Alex.

Tina and Nico try to steal Morgan's spell book.

Tina runs into Robert and sees that he is wearing the same necklace that Morgan gave Geoffery. She breaks it and unleashes him from Morgan's spell. They reunite and kiss.

Molly confronts Leslie about her killing her parents.

Janet, still trapped, captured the Runaways' video archive and shows it to Victor and Stacey. There is no trace on it so she can't figure out who deleted it.

Victor proposes creating a virus to disable Corvus phones. Janet tells them she is a computer virus.

Tina leaves when Morgan comes back and Robert promises to look for the book.

Stacey and Victor ask Geoffery for help in stopping Corvus. He is under Morgan's spell and locks them in a room.

Molly shows a boy from the Church, Bodie, her powers.

Morgan shows Nico an image of Alex in the dark dimension.

Robert finds Morgan's book, but she senses it. She takes it back from him and unheals him. 

Bodie calls Morgan's coven and they come to take Molly. They take Karolina, Gert, Chase, and Dale instead.

Robert dies in Nico's and Tina's arms after he gives her his glasses.

Nico performs a Wiccan funeral. She realizes her dad's glasses recorded the spell to get to the dark dimension in Morgan's book.

Gert, Chase, Karolina, Stacey, Dale, and Victor are all tied up by Morgan's coven. Karolina's powers don't work.

Nico performs the spell to rescue Alex and Tandy and Tyrone -- AKA Cloak and Dagger -- appear.

Marvel's Runaways
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Marvel's Runaways Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Chase: Wait, the camera's on, but it doesn't see me.
Gert: That's like your worst nightmare, isn't it?

Robert: Go to hell.
Morgan: Oh darling, that's the thing. Hell's already here, you're looking at it.