Watch Modern Family Season 6 Episde 13 Online to find out how Jay reacts when he learns that Joe may be allergic to Stella and they may have to give her away!

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Watch Modern Family Season 6 Episode 13 Online to find out how Jay reacts when he learns that Joe may be allergic to Stella. Hint: he doesn't take it well at all.

Everyone knows how much Jay favors Stella and Gloria dislikes her. Jay is distraught and brings Stella to stay with Cam and Mitch for the week. He is jealous of how much Cam gets to spoil her and acts overprotective.

Lily isn't that excited for Stella because she snores and Lily thinks that Larry the cat is jealous.

In the end, it turns out that it's Gloria's face cream that caused the rash. Jay races back to pick up Stella.

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Episode Details

On Modern Family Season 6 Episode 13, Jay gets put in a difficult position when the doctor suspects that little Joe may be allergic to his dog, Stella.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (40 Votes)
Modern Family
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Modern Family Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

Manny: You know now that I think about it, I could be allergic to Stella. I've been a little stuff since we got her.
Jay: You were stuffy long before that. Do you not remember scolding that waiter at Chuck E Cheese for serving you from the right.

Gloria: He thinks he might be allergic to Stella.
Jay: What? The only reaction this dog gives people is the giggles.