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The team is searching for Hans Mattis, a hitman who was spotted at the airport. Sebastian spies and chases him. Sebastian pursues him into an alley, but shoots another man, Mike Dawson, who Sebastian says had a gun. Pride explains that NOPD and the FBI will investigate the shooting. The team can't find a gun. Witnesses only heard two shots, the number of times Sebastian fired. Isler, who is investigating the shooting, tells Pride he's been busted down to special agent after helping out Pride the last time he was in town. Isler interrogates Sebastian, then collects his badge. Isler tells Pride that he needs to pursue Mattis while he investigates Sebastian's shooting. Patton finds that Mattis stole a car, which is still in the city. Tracking the car, they miss Mattis after they're obstructed by suspicious citizens, and Mattis kills Dawson's widow. Pride wants to bring Sebastian back to the crime scene, to find something everyone else has missed. Loretta approach Mayor Taylor to get her to back off. Sebastian figures out that he was shot at by an air gun loaded with glass bullets. Dawson was a machinist who built the gun for Mattis. Pride gets Isler to figure out Mattis's target, a war criminal turned informant. Mattis is disguised as an airport worker to get close enough for the hit. Pride's team foils the attempt, but loses track of Mattis. Gregorio spies Mattis dressed as a cop in the terminal, and Pride arrests him and grabs his gun. Pride gives Isler all the credit. Isler tells Pride that someone in D.C. is after Pride. Mayor Taylor comes to Pride's bar to apologize to Loretta. She also recruits Loretta for her campaign. Pride visits Sebastian, to talk and to give him back his badge and gun.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

You defended yourself, Sebastian. End of story.

Loretta [to Sebastian]

Pride: You OK, Sebastian?
Sebastian: No. I shot someone.