Tri-Hospital Merger - Nurses
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Nurses Molly circulates a video of Keon doing a victory dance from his football days. He's made fun of. She gives him meaningless tasks. He has to cover a black patient, Cassius, cuffed to the bed for breaking and entering. Cassius was evicted before he could grab his stuff, so he broke in to get his belongings, got injured on the window, and his stuff was already thrown out by the landlord. After getting advice from Dr. Banks, Keon talks to Detective Walker and gets the charges dropped. He provides Cassius with some essentials and Cassius is grateful.

Keon and Dr. Banks kiss.

Wolf is having trouble getting his meds. He's having trouble sleeping because of it. The factory he was ordering from closed. Red hooks him up with a guy who sells, but it's not to buy, but to sell.

Grace gets new shoes. Grace is asked to scrbu in with Dr. Hamilton but declines. When she learns Naz will be stepping in, she throws up and asks to scrub in instad of Yana. Yana wants her new shoes in exchange. She scrubs in and protects Naz.

Naz fangirls about Dr. Hamilton and gets asked to step into the OR with him.

Ashley supports Grace. Her patient has a heart attack. He wants her to track someone down for him incase he dies. It's his old business partner, and ashley mediates their old feud.

Dr.Wallace asks Grace out for drinks sometime.

The gang all goes for drinks to celebrate.

Everyone undergoes psyche evals.

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Nurses Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Sanders: All right, people. You know what's fun about mergers? Nothing. So brace yourself because change is coming. Where you eat is gonna change. Where you gossip is gonna change. Where you change is gonna change. So better learn to addept quick, or they will find new "mes" and "yous."
Wolf: I just got a message from Dr. Niven about a personailty test.
Sanders: Oh yeah, that's happening. It's just the beginning. Companies don't just buy each other without kicking the tires.
Ashley: And we're the tires.
Sanders: That's right, Collins. You have no idea how right you are.

The past is a funny thing. We think it's something we can run from, something we'll never see again, but somehow our past always reminds us that it can also be our present, and our future.
