Monse's Stressed - Tall  - On My Block Season 3 Episode 1
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Ruby and Jamal try to make some money, so they sell bbq chicken at the pool offbooks. However, when they run out and the demand is still there, they resort to grilling chicken in the parking lot. They get everyone sick, and they have to return the money. Ruby worries about being sued.

Oscar is annoyed with Ray's presence. He joins Cesar at the pool with the rest of the group, but Monse is angry. She doesn't like Oscar and blames him for everything. 

When they go from the pool to the carnival, she and Jasmine get drunk. Cesar leaves to go to work, and Oscar is left taking the girls home. 

He is confronted by a rival gang who wants to take one of the blocks that belonged to the Prophet$. 

Drunk Monse tells Oscar off and blames him for everything. He listens to her, but when she brings up her mother, he bonds with her and tells her about his familiarity with disappointing parents. 

Ray watches the exchange from inside. Monse says her mother is dead to her when she sees that her mom is calling. She kisses Oscar. He stops it. Ray sees it. 

Ray threatens to tell Cesar later on when Oscar stops him from moutihng back to the 19 gang who approached them at their house again about territory.  

Jamal meets Kendra. They have sex and he brags about it. 

Ruby has sex fantasies about Jasmine. 

Hammell warns Cesar off of Cuchillo. 

Cuchillo lays down a threat through Ruby. 


On My Block
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On My Block Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Cesar: Oscar has a lot on his plate right now. I'm not the only one dealing with our dad.
Monse: How's that going?
Cesar: Not great. They can't even be in the same room together which puts me in a weird position because I want to get to know my dad, but I also feel like I'm somehow betraying Oscar.
Monte: Did he say that?
Cesar: No, but he doesn't have to.

So he has daddy issues, and you have mommy issues, and if you don't stay away, y'all will have baby issues. 
