Weights and Chill  - On My Block Season 4 Episode 7
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Ray drops Cesar back off at the house and Isabel gives Cesar Oscar's ashes.

He promises to see her when he's done with school.

Monse is getting rid of things and wants to toss her mother's book, but her father won't let her.

She considers reading it when Cesar shows up outside her window. They go for a walk and he talks to her about OScar.

Cesar apologizes to Monse. They make out and end up having sex at his place.

Vero shows up and sees Monse in Cesar's shirt. She throws his stuff at him and leaves.

Jamal and Ruby show up at the house and Jamal thinks he has feelings for Monse.

Cesar talks to Vero. She's upset and seems to imply payback. Cesar and the others try to figure out what to do with Oscar's ashes.

Ruby seems to get off on thinking that he and Jasmine are in an illicit affair. They go to Jasmine to find out where Oscar's old impala is as a resting place.

Monse tells Jasmine she slept with Cesar.

Cesar is still getting angry texts from Vero.

Vero steals Cesar's car when he and the others search for where they're going to spread Oscar's ashes.

Jasmine tells Ruby that she's going to Berkeley.

Jamal tells Abuelita about his feelings for Monse. They banter. She gives Ruby her keys to drive, and he wonders if something is wrong with her. Jamal tries to avoid the topic.

Cesar freaks out, doubting he knows his own brother to spread his ashes. He blames himself.

Jamal tells Ruby that he's friends with Jasmine.

Cesar gets into it with Sad Eyez and wants to get jumped out. Sad Eyez tells him that his debt is paid. Oscar almost died getting jumped out taking Cesar's beating too.

Cesar realizes the best place to spread OScar's ashes is the ocean. They figure that Oscar was the one who sent them the letters to get

them back together again. They pour one out for Oscar. Monse wakes up the next morning in Jamal's arms.


On My Block
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On My Block Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Cesar: How do I honor Oscar in the right way by dumping his ashes somewhere? I shouldn't be the one to do this. I'm going to mess it up.
Monse: No you're not. You just have to trust yourself.
Cesar: Well, I don't. I can't stop thinking about all the mistakes I made. All the people I put at risk. Monse: You know what happened with Oscar wasn't your fault.
Cesar: I'm not just talking about Oscar. I loved you so much that I never thought that I would put you in danger, but I did. I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry, Monse.
Monse: I am too.
Cesar: I still haven't forgiven myself for losing you.
Monse: You didn't lose me. We're burned into each other's DNA.

Isabele: Take this. Put it to rest somewhere his daughter can visit.
Cesar: No. I can't do that. Why?
Isabele: Because the only person your brother loved more than me is you.