The Block is Hot  - On My Block Season 4 Episode 5
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Cuete, from the other gang, wakes Cesar up with a gun to his head and tells him that his deal was with Spooky not him. Now that Cuchillos is dead, the deal is over.

They take Cesar's money.

jamal comments on how it's a gang turf war happening now and they notice a new gang has arrived. 187.

Ruby spirals and thinks Jasmine found a new guy when she posts a picture of her with Jamal mostly cut out of it, and Jamal tries to deflect.

Sad Eyez demotes Cesar and puts Joker in charge.

Jasmine gets accepted into Berkeley and she and Monse celebrate.

Jasmine accidentally spills that Monse's mother left her a voicemail the night she died, and Monse tells Bryan what happend and how she deleted it.

Bryan thinks that Monty hits Monse and that's why she came to stay with him. It's what Julia said Monty did to her. She sets him straight.

Monse and Ruby get ransom letters that say they can't run from the past.

Jamal doesn't get a letter. But when they call to see if Cesar got one, he tells them he did. While they're talking to him, they overhear the house getting sprayed with bullets.

Cesar goes to talk to Oscar. He apologizes. Oscar asks him to come with him to Portland to have the life he dreamed of having and Cesar agrees.

Oscar calls Isabel to tell her the news. A car rolls up and he gets off the phone. Someone shoots Oscar. He appears to die in Cesar's arms.


On My Block
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On My Block Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Cuete: Power's up for grabs, Lil' Spooky, so we're grabbing what we can, including your stash.
Cesar: I don't know what you're talking about.

The block hasn't been this hot in like over a year. 19th Street are tagging over the Propeht$. The Prophet$ are tagging over 19th Street, the Santos are tagging over both of them. It's like some kind of ghetto-ass art crawl.
