On the Run - Outer Banks
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The Pogues mourn the loss of John B as a funeral is held Sheriff Peterkin.

Kie spray paints “murderer” on Ward’s wall, and screams it at him, while Pope tries to talk her down. She wants to take the people down who caused his dead, while JJ is telling anyone who will listen that Rafe fired the weapon.

As for Ward, he has to go in for questioning at the police station because of John B’s outburst on the radio.

His lawyer says he will be fine, but he’s still worried about the future.

Rose tells him he can tell the truth that it was Rafe If it helps the cause.

Ward is gobsmacked and tells her never to say that again.

John B and Sarah are still on the boat and are headed to Nasseau, the same place the gold is.

Terrence finds the sign saying there’s a reward for turning John B in and tells Stubbs and Cleo about it.

They are reluctant to turn them in, but ultimately agree to it and try to lock them in the bridge.

When the authorities show up, the teens are forced to go on the run, finding themselves in uncharted territory.

Sarah suggests they sneak into a resort and when they’re almost caught, she says they have a suite and she’ll be sure to let her father know about the hospitality in the place.

The man lets her proceed.

John B steals the maid’s phone and contacts JJ, Kie, and Pope to let them know he’s alive.

They are in class and rush out, excited when they realize their friend has survived.

John B asks them to clear his name because he wants to come home.

They agree to work together and get the truth out of Ward, so they phone someone who worked with Ward to hide the gun.

They tell him they’re going to the cops. Ward tells the man to meet him and they can work it out, but the kids are listening to the call.

Back in Nassau, John B sneaks out of the hotel when Sarah is asleep and realizes he can easily make his way into Sarah’s family home.

Sarah wakes up and goes to find him, but Terrence kidnaps her after someone from the hotel calls him to say she’s leaving.

The next morning, John B returns to the hotel and Cleo says she is not inside.

John B doesn’t remember her from the boat and is livid when he realizes what’s happened.

He reluctantly goes with Cleo to get her, but he’s shocked when Terrence says he wants to turn them in for the $50,000.

This does not sit well with him and he says he has the gold bars worth $140,000.

Terrence takes them and says he’s collecting the other money, too, so he’s keeping them.

John B tells the truth about the gold in the house, piquing the interest of Terrence, Cleo, and Stubs.

They all go to the house and Sarah uses the passcode to get in.

Ward gets an alert someone is in the house and contacts security.

The vault is secured with Sarah’s birthdate and when they open it, the cops arrive.

Terrence locks the kids in the house and calls them the fall guys.

John B sends Sarah out the house and she tries to get the speedboat ready. John B lures the cops upstairs, and then on to the roof.

Sarah is cornered and the keys are taken off her by Terrence, Cleo, and Stubs.

Ward is on video chat with the cops who say they have apprehended the suspect and they describe him. Just as he asks to see him, the episode concludes.


Outer Banks
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Outer Banks Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

If you're lying, I'll kill you!


Kie: Are you OK?
JJ: 'Sup?

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