The Fort Falls - Outlander
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William arrives at Fort Ticonderoga, which has now been overrun by the Redcoats. He’s reporting to Simon Fraser. He’s shocked to learn that there wasn’t a fight for the fort at all.

He’s also surprised at their plans to march north to cut off the Northern army.

Jamie and Claire have landed on shore with the hospital patients. They need to move inward in small groups because of the infirmed.

A woman refuses to leave the boat because of how Ian looks, but Rebecca assures her he’s one of the good guys.

The group hears a ruckus, believing it to be Indians. Ian confirms it’s a band of Redcoats pretending instead. In the melee, Mrs. Raven, the woman from the boat, disappears. She’s frightened to death of being taken.

Roger is at Jemmy’s school for his Gaelic usage. Roger laughs off hearing that Jimmy called the teacher an old crone. Roger is disappointed that the school is working so hard to crush the usage of Gaelic. That inspires the principal — Roger is just the man he needs to teach a class so that they don’t lose touch with their roots.

Claire is out there on her own search for that actual old crone. She’s trying not to be seen, but Mrs. Raven can’t keep her mouth shut. She’s killed, and Claire is dragged away.

Jamie and Ian come across Denzell, who is out looking for Claire. Jamie and Ian are now on the hunt for Claire. They find dead Mrs. Raven, and Ian notices soldiers’ boots and drag marks making their way toward the fort.

She’s “imprisoned” with other men and women treated as captives. She cannot even score a glass of water for herself or any for the injured already there. Walter, the man who lost his leg, is there, too. He says that, at least, he was moved with care by the soldiers.

Walter’s chest is bothering him. He cannot catch a breath. The symptoms started a few hours ago, and when Claire listens, darkness covers her face. Walter notices, and Claire believes it’s an embolism in his lungs. She’s a little limited in what she can do, but she will do whatever she can to help.

William meets with Captain Richardson, who isn’t happy William lost and never delivered the message. The captain wonders if he tried reading the cipher, and William was like, uh, no. You gave me orders. But he does know that the intended recipients are rebels. The captain admits he’s getting information from the rebels as intelligence.

William finds that news worrisome, but Captain Richardson’s displeasure isn’t abated, either. But he is sure that there will be a way for William to redeem himself. Captain R send him on his way to reacquaint himself with his uniform.

A woman is unable to feed her baby because she’s dehydrated, and the milk isn’t flowing. Claire sure is busy with the group.

When Walter coughs blood, Claire leaves the corral to get help, and the person she bumps into is William, who recognizes her. Her entire demeanor changes. He recalls her saving his father’s life. She asks him for supplies, but he explains that their supplies are two days behind, so he cannot guarantee anything.

Bree is explaining to Roger what she experienced in the tunnel, the surging sound like near the stones and the look of it. Roger takes notes, and they begin discussing where and what it might be.

In his excitement, he forgot that he had a class to teach at 4, so they rush to get him ready.

Ian is very worried that if Jamie is caught trying to rescue Claire, he’ll be hanged. Ian is sure he can do this instead. They agree, and Jamie decides he’ll draw their eyes away.

Lieutenant Sammy brings herbs and linens for the sick, and when Claire asks about food, she discovers it’s not a possibility. William also sent some libations.

Roger is a very fun class. He explains how they don’t swear in Gaelic; rather, they’ve perfected the insults. Gaelic has been spoken for over 1500 years. Some of the adults in the audience are very happy to be sitting in, excited to see their language shared with the youth.

He leads them in a song.

Walter is beginning to fade. She gives him a tincture, which he says is unpleasant. The drink should help thin his blood. As he suffers, Claire wants him to think of his wife. He gets a smile on his face, and he dies.

The principal wants Roger to come back more frequently, and Roger accepts. Rob Cameron, Bree’s coworker who locked her in the damn, introduces himself. He says Bree is the best inspector they’ve had in years, noting she doesn’t take shite from anyone.

Roger mistakenly let his notebook go around the class, and Bob kept it out so others didn’t read it. He likes science fiction. And he appears to like Roger, as he invited himself around. Something seems hinkey about the whole thing.

Claire cries over Walter’s body.

Ian is at the fort, and William spots him. William thanks him for saving his life. When Ian turns to speak with Claire, William turns. He recalls their shared connection to Fraser’s Ridge and calls him out. Jamie begins his onslaught, and Ian and Claire appeal to him to leave. Ultimately, he does so. William promises that if he sees Ian, he may not have a choice but to kill him.

Jamie finds them quickly, and Claire is heartbroken to have left the others behind. Jamie tries to comfort her. They kiss, and he tastes brandy. She tells him it was from William.

A few days later, they caught up with other refugees and the army. Jamie’s term of service is almost over, and they’ll be leaving soon for Scotland.

Ian finds Rachel. He’s not a good flirter, but she says she knows why he’s come — to see Rollo. He says yes. When they both pet Rollo, their hands touch and sparks fly.

Jamie meets Colonel Daniel Morgan of Morgan’s Rifles militia. He was impressed that Jamie shot a turkey through the eye. Claire realizes that Daniel wants Jamie to become one of them. Yes, and Jamie said yes. Scotland will have to wait. Jamie talks about Saratoga and the Hudson. Claire says that the Battle of Saratoga is a turning part for the American cause, and it draws France into the war.

Claire is happy Jamie is joining the Rifles, aka the snipers. The further from combat, the better.

Claire wonders why women don’t fight in wars, and Jamie says it’s because women take life with her when she goes. Men are a dime a dozen, and women are possibility. She cannot agree with him that one man is just like another, though. She thinks perhaps it’s the ability to create life that makes it that much harder to end it.

Jamie isn’t as afraid to die as he once was. He doesn’t want to die, but he’s happy with his place in life. He’s a little sad that he might have to take a younger man’s life, and Claire hopes he won’t let a young whippersnapper take his life just because he hasn’t lived as much. Nope, he’ll kill them. It will just be harder.

Claire shares her thoughts about William with Jamie. She sees much of him in William.

Roger is dancing in the kitchen while putting away groceries when he spots someone outside. Roger catches him and recognizes him, punching him in the face.

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Outlander Season 7 Episode 6 Quotes

William: You’re a rebel.
Claire: Yes, my husband is a colonel in the militia. We were separated, and I was captured.

Captain Richardson: War is long. No doubt an opportunity for redemption will present itself.
William: I will be ready when it does, sir. You have my word.